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"Halt! don't walk closer or I'll-!"

"Or you'll what?..."

In front of Juvia, and at Dalton's back... stood someone who she dears grately!

"Ace nii!"

Yes, in front of them stood Ace who's wearing his usual hat and his mischievous smirk. Unfortunately he didn't have time to brace his self before Juvia in gulf him into a tight hug. Smiling like an idiot. 

"Ace nii! what are you doing here?!" was the think that's first comes into Juvia's mind. Even though she's hugging him, Ace didn't have the power to push Juvia away and was almost lose his breathe. Thankfully Dalton stated the obvious before it's too late. 


"No don't worry, as for why I'm here... you already know why..." Nodding, Dalton who's watching the whole time was surprise to see Juvia's whole expression completely changed. 

"So mind introducing yourselves?..." Dalton said with his arms crossed. Wait..- "You didn't introduce yourself?..." Juvia asked to Ace. "I only need to wait before my eternal pose would pick my last destination Alabasta, I don't need to chat with anyone" is what he said. 

Sighing, Juvia look at Ace with unreadable expression... "Ju-Juvia!?!"

Then juvia pinch his chicks hard

"You stayed here the whole time... Wearing without a winter coat!?!" Juvia and Ace was thrown in a one sided fight, which Ace was the one who's being attacked while Juvia gave him a not so painful punch. Even so, Ace can clearly feel how painful Juvia's pinches are! Even Luffy who's made out of rubber can feel Juvia's pinches without even using haki!!

'It's because my hands are coated with magic power/ mana that can hurt a human skin but are not able to injure it' she thought. Or in other words she easily coat her hands with mana to feel like it's too heavy by light for the user.

How she know this? It's because it's a simple trick for mages like them.

"*cough* I'm sorry for disturbing reunion... but-"

"Yes, your disturbing us, now shut up!"


"*Hit Ace* Shut up!" Juvia said while Ace apologized. 

"Sorry about that.. *Ahem* My name is Juvia D. Lockser (Yes I changed it), and this is Portgas D. Ace, my brother" juvia said back to avoid another conflict.

"We apologize for giving you a hard time, we promise not to interact with someone or even show ourselves to avoid problems" is was Juvia said.

Dalton merely gave a nod knowing their probably a lot more stronger than him, and the girl in front of him doesn't act bad. He wonder if she's not lying at all.

"Then..." Juvia gave a curious gaze while Ace gave a suspicious stare that were unreadable.

"If you need something or to ask someone then you two better just approach me and not the others, If I hear you guys made troubles it will be up to you, and I will not help you two" (especially the guy...) He really wants to add the last part but his afraid the guy would made a huge deal with it.

Meanwhile Juvia only gave a nod and a bow before giving her thanks and dragging Ace away to hide him and her self.


Both of them, Ace and Juvia stayed in their own camp site they made for about 2 days before finally deciding to leave.

She also learned that Luffy, her little brother is coming towards this kingdom but still decided to stay with Ace which made Ace life more happier.

And so by now, both of them are now walking towards Dalton's house because Ace said he wants to. 'Maybe he needs something from him?..'

"Oh I haven't told you about that huh..." Ace said while sounding like his wondering on something. "What do you mean?" Was Juvia's response.

"I had met Shanks on the way before" he said.

"Really?" She asked with a clear expression on how happy she was.  Juvia wonder what's he doing in drum island as well. "But he already left seeing his not here"

Nodding, both Ace and Juvia finally reached Dalton's house and began to knock at his door.

"*Knock* *knock*" finally the opened by Dalton himself who look like his not interested at all at who he found.

"What?" He asked while raising a brow when Ace gave a mischievous smirk. "Yo old man, Im here to ask you a favor" he asked.

Juvia had thought that after hearing Ace's words he would be crossing his arms and will say 'why would I do that?' or 'you really think I would help?' and sneer back.

But instead he only gave a mere "fine"

"Are you okay with that? We are pirates after all... And we heard that you guys were being terrorized by a pirate not long ago..." Juvia said. What Juvia said was true, If she remember correctly.. the name of that pirate should be Wapol...

'I hope he'll be taken care off...' Oh how she wished could come true after wards.

"*Sigh* you might be right, but I don't see any malice from you two. You two had stayed quietly and didn't gave any problems.. beside its just a favor" he said which earns him a smile from us.

"Oh! Who would have thought that your a good old man after all!" Said Ace with a slap at Dalton's back.

"Please pirate your the only one who thinks that... Also... Could you not call me old man?.. Im not that old..." He said quiet irritated. 'I had tried to ignore his words at me earlier...'

"Anyway, what favor?"

Ace only gave a smile. But this time, it wasn't his side smile or his mischievous smirks... Instead he gave a smile genuinely like how he first found me in here.

Dalton was surprised.

"I want you to give this letter to someone.. this someone is very special to us and will soon be visiting here I just knew it! His wearing a straw hat and has an idiotic look in his face-" Juvia smacked Ace's head.

"That will be it. Could you do it?" He could always gave this job to someone else, but knowing the circumstances.. it would be very troublesome.

"... I can.. don't worry"

Juvia gave a smile before hugging Dalton.

"We will be going now, take care Dalton san!"

With a last goodbye wave, Ace and Juvia disappeared in a blink of an eye.


A/n: Sorry for the long update!

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