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• He loves to hold you but doesn't mind being held too (he secretly loves when you hold him especially after a hard day at work, it makes him all fuzzy inside)

• Likes to take his mask off and snuggle into your neck or hair smelling in your scent

• When you lay your head down onto his chest he begins playing with your hair while talking to you about how his day went, his calming voice rumbling through his chest making you smile


• Very very clingy so once you're cuddling with him don't make any plans on leaving, He will never ever let you go

• Whether it's chair cuddles, bed cuddles or even cuddles on the couch he doesn't care

• He just loves being by you with you in his arms

• I can see him slowly picking up your hand and fiddling with it while you both snuggle together

• Doesn't verbally ask for cuddles but you can sense when he wants them

• Sometimes he would just come up to you and lay his head on your shoulder slightly nuzzling into your neck silently letting you know he needs attention

• Most likely falls asleep during cuddling because he's a tired boi

• But you don't mind, he's way overworked in the coven you can barely believe how he manages to do it

• Right before he falls asleep he gives a quick kiss to the top of your head whispering quietly how much you mean to him


I hope you liked it it's my first headcanon on the lovely Golden Guard feel free to send in requests! :D

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