"Lot's of scars huh?" I ask grabbing her arm. I trace up the large and little scare up her arm and she lets out a soft gasp. I look at her and she was blushing down at my hand. I smirk a little, she doesn't blush much. I see I found something interesting. "I like this." I point to the tattoo. It was a two headed serpent wrapped around a skull. "Oh thanks." She says looking to her arm. "I was get this whole arm done, I actually have whole bunch of cool ideas!" I felt like I sparked something in her, she got super excited and opened her phone. 

She shows me a list on her phone and I read over it. "I wanna do the coffin really bad next, and maybe a bat, Bat's are my favorite animal. OH and I wanna do the grim reaper and maybe a skeleton! And I saw this cool design of a dragon that wraps around up to my neck-" She stops talking and blushes. I smile a little at her and she blushes even deeper. "God I'm sorry I just totally nerded out on you there..." She shakes her head and grabs her phone from me. "It alright, I think tattoo's are cool. I want to get a serpent that wraps up and around my arm." I say and she smiles. 

"That would be so bad ass! Maybe as a first tattoo though do something a bit smelling on the wrist of the ankle." She says indicating to the small tattoo on her wrist. "9/16/10?" I ask and she blush. "Oh yeah that's nothing." She pulls her hand from me. "Whats the date?" I ask her. "That's the day my parents died, and I lost my hearing." She smiles at her feet. "Oh?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah! I hate my parents but that date means a lot to me. So much changed for me after that. In a good and bad way." she smiles and I hum. 

"So all this shit yours?" I ask her and she nods. "Mhm! Except the stupid picture frames, That was Aizawa. He hung them up cause he thought I'd want to hang up photos of my friends or whatever." She rolls her eyes and I nod. "Why not hang up photos?" I ask and she chuckles. "I do have friends." She says with a smile. "The fuck you mean you don'y have friends. You're always on the phone or texting people." I say and she shrugs. "I don't like friends. They've only ever used me for something. My money, my connections, my work... They only disappoint me. I only stay in contact with some hook ups but I just talk to a few people I consider less annoying than other people." She chuckles and I feel my heart race. 

"Hooks ups?" I ask and she chuckles. "It's always good to have a few people at your beckon call. You know lonely late nights or something." She says and I blush. She's had sex! Not only like once but god knows how many times, with multiple different people! I only just got my first kiss at a party like 2 months ago and it was with fucking Ururaka on a dare! "What are you a virgin?" She whispers and I blush widely. "It's ok if you are be honest." She whispers putting her hand on my thigh leaning closer to me. 

"yes." I admit staring at her and she smiles. "that's good. Keep it, as long as you can." She says leaning back. "Make sure your first time is special, you don't wanna regret it..." She holds her legs close to her body and I look down. "What... what was it like?" I ask and she shrugs. "When it's good? It feels like your whole body is on fire with pleasure and love and you feel perfect in every way." She smiles and I blush. "But When it's eh?... You just regret it after. My first time was with a guy, he didn't even come close to making me cum the bastard. I've only ever cum with girls, But I have always thought maybe the right guy maybe could help me out." she bites her lip looking me up and down. 

"Oh yeah?" I smirk and grab her hand. "Yeah..." I pull her so she's straddling my lap. "Mmm.." She hums and I wrap my arms around the neck. I put my hands on her hips and lean up a bit. I kiss her gently and she kisses me back. I open my mouth and she slips her tongue in. We start making out on the couch and she rolls her hips. I grind my body on hers and she hums into my mouth. "Oh Katsuki..." She teases the end of my hair with her fingers and kisses on my neck. "S-shit.." I close my eyes indulging in her touch as we grind our bodies together. This felt so fucking good. "I-is this actually gonna happen?" I ask her her and she suddenly stops. 

"Ah fuck..." She sight dropping her head on my shoulder. "I want to... so.. SO bad." She looks at me and smiles softly. "But you should save it, Like I said. you don't wanna regret it." She says and gets off my lap. "We don't know each other... like at all." She giggles and I nod. "Fine." I say and she blushes. "I'm sorry for... leading you on. I just don't wanna do something to you that you'll regret. I don't wanna be that mistake." She giggles and I nod. "Um... Thanks." I whisper and she smiles. "No problem." She signs to me and I smile a little. 

She's pretty cool, she seems very open and if your lucky you can get her to talk about things she's enthusiastic about and her eyes will glimmer lightly. She's hot sure but she's also absolutely adorable. I don't like how I feel about her, I don't know her, I don't like her... but I do? I don't know. "well y-you should go." She says and I smile. "Sure. Hey maybe I can come back again, and you can teach me some sign language." I say and she beams. "Oh yeah totally! I taught myself everything and then I used to teach some of the kids in my class and my teachers even asked me to teach them! I can totally help!" She says her eyes glimmering lightly. 

"Yeah." I smirk at her and she beams. "Here I'll walk you to the dorms." She says standing up. We leave her dorm and walk back to the dorms in silence. She walks me inside and everyone in the commons area looks to us. "Bye Bakugo, I'll text you!" She smiles and I nod. "Sure whatever." I say and she nods. "OH hey Madison! How are you doing?" Deku asks and she waves. "Good, do you guys need anything?" She asks and they shake their heads. "Cool well you all have my number so text me if you need anything, Ok I'm going to my place I'll see ya'll tomorrow!" She waves and I watch her walk away. 

I smirk and sit down on the couch. "So... you and Madison are hanging out?" Ururaka asks next to me.  "Yep. I just went to her place." I mumble and pull out my phone. "Are you guys like... dating?" She asks and I quirk an eyebrow at her. "The fuck no." I say and she nods. "Cool cool.." She smiles at me and I roll my eyes. "Cool." I shrug and look at my phone. That was actually pretty fun, she's not so bad. And she's kissed me twice today which was fucking awesome... I don't know maybe she's cool. 

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