--Lands & Other | Guide-- (Edited)

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*This story takes place in a different world*

*One '*' means it is a minor setting in Broken Soul, '**' means it is one of the main settings*

**AzyreLand (A.L.) | A large country shaped as a falcon head.

CycaraLand (C.L.) | A small country underneath the curve of AzyreLand's falcon's beak.

*ShurynayaLand (S.L.) | Large oval shaped island in the Azyre Ocean; about 3 000 kilometers away from AzyreLand; has the largest prison of all Lands.

OrnopataLand (O.L.) | Giant octagon-like country with the biggest mountains

RegiumLand (R.L.) | Largest country of all; shaped as a crown; home to the Council of Seven and the Magick Trial.

Elentraland (E.L.) | Small island in the Middlus Ocean; between AzyreLand and RegiumLand.

KyppaLand (K.L.) | Odd swirly island below ElentraLand; sanctuary to rare magickal creatures.

A.L. Ruler: Captain Scivvaa (Female)

C.L. Ruler: Captain Veleria (Female)

S.L. Ruler: Captain Deatris (Male)

O.L. Ruler: Captain Heather (Female)

R.L. Ruler: Captain Xaviar (Male)

E.L. Ruler: Captain Regulus (Male)

K.L. Ruler: Captain Scythe (Female)

The Magick Trial is a trial for 15 year olds to compete in if they haven't previously developed magick. They are only accepted if they have counterparts.

Magick holders are called 'Magickers' and are afterwards sent to the Magisterium Academy if they pass the trial.

No magick holders are called 'SansMagickers' or 'Sans' and continue living their previous life if they have failed the trial.

'Hj' in a name is pronounced like a 'Y'.

Example: Hjaxand

THE MAGICK TRIALS VOL. 1 | 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡Where stories live. Discover now