4: Oh, Boy.

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" Yeah," Midoriya said, folding his arms. " We understand if you want to back out now-"

A boom shook the building and everyone got to their feet hastily.

I leapt off of the table when it wobbled again. " What was that?"

Abruptly, someone slammed open the door. I took them to be another hero, or an assistant.

" There's been a breach!" he shouted, panting. He looked like he ran here. " Villains are storming the agency!"


Uh oh, what could the villains possibly be here for...? And will Saki stop them?

... well the last part isn't exactly featured in this chapter but then sorta is so make what you will of it-


Chapter 4: 'Silver'

The heroes ran past me and flooded out of the door, lead by Midoriya, Bakugo and Iida. I was about to go after them, when Todoroki, who I hadn't realised had stayed back and stood next to me, put his arm in front of my chest to stop me.

" What are you doing?" I said, shoving away his arm and running ahead, before turning back to him when he didn't move. " We need to help them!"

Todoroki fixed me with his different coloured eyes. " No, they can handle themselves. You, however, wouldn't be able to do much. I'm sorry, but as far as we know, you're useless out there. You'd only risk the safety of yourself and others. Stay here with me, let me protect you for now, and help them this way."

As much as I wanted to disagree and try to help in the fight anyway, I knew he was right. I didn't know the first thing about fighting, much less fighting people with superhuman powers when I didn't have any. I swallowed thickly, guilt clenching its clawed fist around my heart and keeping it locked.

" What should I do, then?" I asked, trying to appear confident.

He frowned and speed walked over to the windows, looking down at the mass of villains outside that we had somehow not noticed. Actually, I remember looking out of the windows. They definitely weren't there a second before... Some kind of teleportation quirk...?

He turned back to me. " We haven't had an attack like this since last week Monday, and it's Friday now - assuming that this attack is also from Silver. They must be here for something."

" Well what could they be here for, then?" I asked, eyes flickering over his face for some kind of clue.

Todoroki quickly walked back to the table and started to gather all the papers that were left there hastily. " We don't know where they came from - except for them coming from the bottom of the agency - so we have no clue where they're heading or the answer to your question. However, I know that if these papers and documents got into their hands, they'd know any plans we made against them and what we already know about them. They'd easily be able to change everything and everything we've worked on for weeks now would go to shit."

" There shouldn't be a way for them to know about these, but..." he trailed off.

I nodded, catching on, and helped him gather up the papers. I gave them to him once they were all in piles. But then something dawned on me.

" Todoroki," I said, my face paling. He hummed in acknowledgement, eyes down as he ordered the papers. " Todoroki, what- they might... You guys said that Silver takes heroes to the other side, by supposedly persuading them with a message."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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