Chapter 1

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                                    Introducing main characters
Dixie: Mafia leader of Germany she is the  most powerful

 facts about Dixie: she doesn't have parents they died on a mission and she is the oldest child so she turns into the mafia's first female leader

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facts about Dixie: she doesn't have parents they died on a mission and she is the oldest child so she turns into the mafia's first female leader. She is really wealthy and knows how to get her job done.She is protected everywhere she goes and is really her real Dixie Side she is sad but same time happy and she likes to sing on her time. Dixie is 19. Is a simp...

Noah: Italia's  mafia leader 2nd powerful mafia

Noah: Italia's  mafia leader 2nd powerful mafia

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Facts about Noah:his parents died on a mission. He is the only child of his family so he started to run the family's mafia at 19 and is turning 20 in 1 week and his party is going to be with Italia and Germany mafia people.Noah is a really handsome man and is really smart at his job. Noah real side is that he loves cuddling and try to act tough around girls but he really is a simp....

                      Let's start with the story now!
                             A/n:Enjoy pls and pls tell me if I make mistakes.thank you!
Noah's POV: I woke up to a knock in my door.Who is it I asked rubbing my eyes.
Sir you have a meeting in 30 minutes my assistant told me.I totally forgot about that meeting I get up and run to the bathroom and get a quick shower and then change to my suit as I make my way down stairs I thought to myself I never had a big meeting before I was meeting the number 1 strongest mafia leader .......Germany.I knew I shouldn't be worry because Italia was the 2nd strongest mafia so I knew nothing could go wrong we also have peace with them but not a relationship with them.. I get inside the car that is taking me to the meeting.10 minutes later I arrive to the meeting spot. I get my security to surround me just in case any other mafias try to ruin this meeting. I get inside and seems like I'm the first person there I told my self I should wait now sitting on my seat.

Dixie's POV: I was reaching the "spot" I had a meeting in.As I saw some guys waiting for me to get off the car and take me inside just in case any other mafias were trying to pull something stupid I thought to myself.My Butler opens my door and I get out the car and tell my butler.Danke (thank you) I say to my butler he just  nodes and smiles.I go inside and see Italia's  mafia leader was there already.I sat in my seat and looked at him then looked at my security and tell him "Stellen Sie sicher dass seine Sicherheit nicht hereinkommt"I told him in German which means Make sure his security doesn't come in,in English.He nodes and leaves then I turn to The other mafia leader.

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