Chapter 8/9

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A/n: this chapter will have chapter 8 and 9 possibly a bit of 10 so it long!
Dixie's POV: (still at the restaurant) holy shit I thought this couldn't be them there dead. I make eye contact with Noah and just with that we knew what we were going to do. "So um how's life? Beck?" I seen in the corner of my eye that they looked at us. "It's going great ms.D'Amelio he said as grabbing my hand and kisses it. I smile "God Noah I'm so In love with you" I say and kiss him. I saw them get mad and surprise there facial expressions change every second. Then I nodded and shot a look at him and he did the same. Then at the same time we both turned our heads and looked at them. "May I help you?" I ask. They were Disguise my mom and Noah's mom looked different and our dad's did To but we knew they were our parents.. "um no sorry for bothering." Marc said. " I know you guys I think we seen you guys before where was it babe?"Noah asked I knew what he meant. "Idk baby probably bc these people here are our parents." I said with a serious look. "We are not you parents lady" Amy said. "Alright then we will take it out of you guys for looking so alike to our parents!" I say then give Noah a look. He pulls his gun out and shoots in the air "everyone out!." They weren't many people so it was fine... everyone left except our parents. I text Elijah and Jackson to come inside the restaurant.

Dixie's POV: "so how were you guys so good to fake your deaths?" I ask

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Dixie's POV: "so how were you guys so good to fake your deaths?" I ask. "We don't know what your talking about young lady" Hedi said. "Oh bullshit! You guys know you guys are our parents so stop acting!" Noah said. As he said Elijah and Jackson come in and when they seen our parents they froze. "You see you can't fool anyone!" I said kinda yelling.. "please lower your voice"Marc said. "Or what? Your going to act like my dad? After you guys faked your deaths? And left me there to handle this MAFIA?" I said before my dad could say anything Noah cut him off. "YOU GUYS RUIN OUR LIFES! DO YOU GUYS KNOW THAT WE WERE TEENAGERS!" Noah said "WE WERE TRYING TO LIVE OR LIFES WITHOUT DOING THIS STUFF!" I said. "We are not-...." before Noah's dad was going to say anything Noah cut him off. "Elijah and Jackson tie them up". I knew that when we got home we would break into tears but for now our madness will take over our tears. Elijah and Jackson did as Noah said and Noah and I sat in front of them. "Going to give up or still lie? I asked. They all sigh "we can explain why we did that". "What do you think babe let them explain or possibly let them hear a piece of our thoughts?"Noah asked me as grabbing my hand. "Let them explain but let me tell you guys our mafia stays with us not just because you guys are alive we will be giving you guys your kingdom back that kingdom is ours" I say

"No but we gave you guys that kingdom!" Tim said. "Do you know how much we improved?"Noah said. "Before you guys died we were one of the weakest mafia's Germany and Italia were but now we are the strongest mafias coming Germany number 1 and Italia number 2" I said. "So you can see this kingdom is ours." Noah said. "But why are you guys hanging out together?" Hedi asked. "We are a couple that's why we're hanging out together" I said. "A COUPLE?!"they all said. "Yes we are a couple now mind your business and back to the topic what do you guys want?" Noah said. "We want our mafia back" Marc said. "Nope but let me tell you something you are allow to leave or go back to Germany and live a happy life with the rest of my siblings." I said. "You are worthless Dixie" Marc said. "Eeeh I heard that one before either way we will give you 1 day to leave and please don't make me regret this decision"I said. They all nodded and I nodded to Jackson and Elijah to untie them and they did. "Goodbye mother" I say to hedi. And leave Noah coming behind me. When we get back to the house I go up and lay on the bed Noah went and get some snacks. This gave me deja vu like the night of Noah's birthday. I will never forget to the fun of that night. And I wanted to have fun but I kinda felt sick for what I saw I just wanted to cuddle. As soon Noah came I opened my arms and he lays his head on my chest."I love you Noah" I say softly. " I love you too dix I will never stop loving you I swear" I smile and kiss him. "You are the love of my life babe" I say. "Your mine too" Noah says looking into my eyes. "What are we doing tmrw?" I ask in a soft tone "we are going on a little get away and act like people our age". Noah said. "What do you mean act people our age?" I ask. "We both know that we were force to be even more mature then what we were and that we never wanted this life of killing and money" "yeah but I'm still confused" I say. "We are both going to act like our age we're going to act normal not like mafia people." He says "um.. were could we possibly go without people thinking we're evil?" I ask. "The Bahamas baby nobody knows about us in the U.S" "are you sure this is fine?" I ask. "Yes it is we are finally going to know how it feels been our age and free form mafia crap". "How many days are we going for?" "2 weeks it will be an adventure but also I'm taking Elijah just Incase" "your right I should take Kole he is really trustworthy"
I say "okay but he is not getting to close to you" Noah says. "Yeah Ik he won't he has a wife and kids so don't think so." "Okay just saying ."Noah says and yawns. "Today was a day" I say with a sigh. "Ik but it won't be like that tomorrow oh also I told Elijah to pack you some clothes so when we get to the Bahamas I can buy you clothes there" "you don't have to buy me clothes I can buy it myself" I say. "No your my princess and my princess deserves to have anything she wants." Noah said smiling. "God I love you" I kiss him and start scratching his head with my not long but not short nails. "Goodnight baby" I say softly. "Good night princess" After We both were found asleep.

Chapter 9's beginning!
Noah's POV : I woke up Dixie was laying on my chest asleep. "She is so cute" I thought. I was playing with her hair for a bit then she slowly woke up and our eyes met each other. "Morning princess" I say and give her a soft kiss. "Morning baby" she says with a smile on her face. Our flight was in 4 hours so we were okay it was a 9 hour flight and it would be in our private jet the jet I have can handle the distance so we are fine. "Baby I'm going to the store to buy some stuff for the flight you can shower and get ready I'll come back in 15 minutes." I say as getting up. "Okay baby be careful I love you" "I love you to princess" I give her a sweet kiss and leave. I went to a couple stores and bought Dixie some candy and snacks and a really comfortable pillow and blanket for the flight. I decided to go to Starbucks to buy her something. I text her to ask her what she wants.

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