xiii, i forgot you existed.

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Jenkins

the counselor had always been there for when angelina either needed to rant, or just say her plans for the future. nonetheless, mrs jenkins partook in a huge part of angelina's life. in that case, the wonderful counselor had made it into her heartfelt valedictorian speech.

that was another thing. the slightly crumpled up paper sat in front of angelina on the wooden desk. she'd only wrote it last night, putting it off to the last minute. it was a good speech anyway.

on the back of the paper, there was a completely separate part for ranboo. it was a fifty fifty chance angelina would actually say it, but it was there in case she wanted to make a vow to her ex best friend of almost eight years.

there were different parts dedicated to others in her family, such as aiden and both her parents. kasey and elodie both had special parts in it as well. though she had only began in engaging new friendships with them, they held an important part in angelina's heart. they mattered a lot to her.

then again, ranboo mattered a lot to angelina as well. so why had she been so iffy on including him? was it the fact he could get even more mad at her because she chose to state their friendship in front of the school? or was it the fact she was afraid of what hayden could do to her?

angelina may be stronger than hayden, but mentally, hayden could twist her mind in ways angelina didn't know possible. she may be smart, but the raven-haired girl didn't know how to blackmail. spread rumors. hell, she couldn't even tell lies very well.

she plucked the photo from halloween off her mirror. taking a photo of it and placing it back neatly. angelina neatly folded her valedictorian speech and tucked it into her gown pocket. taking one glance back in the mirror, she turned and walked out the door.

here we fucking go.

waving a goodbye to her parents, angelina got in her car, sticking the keys into the ignition. she drove in silence besides her radio playing the hamilton soundtrack on shuffle - it reminded her of ranboo. it was on a lower volume, which she raised softly in order to hum along. her cap and gown were beside her in the passenger seat.

ignoring a few texts she had received from family members (which were all along the lines of saying they were on their way to the graduation), angelina pulled into the school parking lot she was likely going to see for the next few years. she'd be back eventually when it was time for aiden and melody to graduate.

walking around her car to grab her cap and gown, angelina walked into the locker rooms where they were supposed to wait awhile, before they practiced walking out. she caught eyes with kasey and elodie.

"hey," she grinned, taking her hair out of it's ponytail state and brushing it out with the brush she kept in her locker. "you guys ready for this shit?"

"god, no," elodie scoffed. "i've been complaining about getting out of this place for the past four years, and now that it's actually happening, i'm crying about the fact we're leaving."

"think that's how everyone feels," kasey frowned, adjusting their cap in the mirror. "none of us wanna go. growing up sounds like shit."

angelina laughed, sitting down on the bench, taking a drink of water.

"let's do this," she looked behind her, which revealed hayden and a few of her friends surrounding her. "together."

after four long hours, the football stadium was full of families and friends from other schools. everyone around her now had the red cap and gown, different designs on their caps. angelina caught a glance of ranboo's when he had it in his hand. it was designed to be the end portal from minecraft. of course.

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