It was silent in the room for a second before Ranboo spoke up.

"Where the heck are we getting a hair straightener from?"

Tubbo's mouth formed a perfect 'o' before he smiled. "I could try to make one! Worst case scenario we just set his hair on fir-"


Ranboo chuckled nervously. "Yeah you go do that Tubbo, Tommy don't worry I won't let it get to that point."

Tommy stared at Ranboo unsurely, and that's when Ranboo realized something else.

"Your eyes."

Tommy looked taken aback. "Pardon?"

"Your eyes, we have to disguise your eyes. Screw you and your really blue eyes. Why couldn't you just have really boring eyes like us?"

He could hear Tubbo shout protests from his workstation, where he hopefully was making a hair-straightener.

"Mr. Boo, I can't tell whether that was a compliment or an insult."

"That's not the point, what are we gonna do about your eyes? Where are we going to get access to eye-contacts without disturbing George, who if we ask, will most definitely tell Dream?"

Tubbo quite literally jumped from his chair and opened a drawer. He looked around a bit, before running up to the two, holding two clear contacts.

"I have a prototype, that I was gonna give George once I fixed them but look!"

Tommy squinted his eyes at the contacts, turning to Tubbo amused. "Ah yes, I'll wear clear contacts. That will definitely make my eyes less recognizable."

Tubbo looked at him like he was an idiot. "No, you dumbass, they change colors! Look!"

The two watched as Tubbo tinkered around with his phone, and both of their faces lit up when the contacts flashed from clear to white, then black, then green.

"Tubbo, my right-hand man" Tommy grinned, slinging an arm around Tubbo.

"They are still prototypes though, I haven't fully tested them yet. Worst case scenario we stab your ey-"

"Don't finish that sentence," Ranboo sighed.

◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆

Tubbo's hair straightener worked, but at what cost?

He obviously didn't have time to make heat settings, and none of the three boys knew how hair straighteners worked, exactly.

So he built it with one setting.


When Tubbo was done quite literally torturing Tommy's hair, it looked straight.

Granted it also looked dead and completely and thoroughly burnt, even slightly ashy and not as bright as it used to be.

Though, he definitely made Tommy look like someone else.

And that really was their goal right?

"So? Did you... do it?" Tommy asked unsurely.

Both Ranboo and Tubbo stared at his hair, before staring at each other.

Ranboo let out a snort, and Tubbo broke into a fit of giggles.

"What the hell did you do to my hair?" Tommy growled, and Ranboo had to immediately cover his laugh.

"No no, you don't look bad per se. You just kinda..."

"You sorta look like Dream" Tubbo finished for Ranboo.

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