Chapter 7: losing the shelter.

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Y/n sat behind the front desk, going through things on the computer. All the boys were in Namjoon and Jin's room. Since no other hybrid but Hoseok arrived, all of them wanted to be together in the same room since it was scary when the shelter was too quiet. Y/n walked to their room and looked inside to see all seven of them cuddled together on Jin's bed since it was freezing because the heater wasn't working. Y/n couldn't pay the bills for them so they mostly shift into their animal forms now.

"Hey boys. Are you doing okay?" Y/n asked. All they're ears started to twitch when they heard Y/n's voice. Hoseok ran to her, hugging Y/n. "Heh, hey Hobi." Y/n said "Y/nie, did anyone ask to adopt us yet?" Jimin asked "Not yet Jiminie. But I hope it's soon." Y/n said. All the boys were starting to loss hope on getting adopted. "Will we find a home soon?" Taehyung asked "Yes you will TaeTae, all of you will find one. I know it." Y/n said, scathing the back of his ears. Taehyung's tail started to wag, and he hugged Y/n tightly. "Okay Okay Taehyung, can't breath." Y/n said, pulling the hybrid off of her. "Sorry." Taehyung said.

That's when a sudden bell startled her and the others. "Okay guys we have someone coming in. Hopefully it's an adopter.. Come on, Yoonie." Y/n said. She got up and walked to the front desk, Yoongi following her. They both walked to the front to see a man walking in. He was wearing a black suit and had red tie. "Hello welcome to PawTan Hybrid shelter. How may I assist you?" Y/n said, in a happy tone. She hasn't used that tone in a while so she wasn't used to it. "Yes. I'm Saikawa, I'm sorry to come in with this news but I have came to inform you that you can't keep this shelter." the man said.

Y/n was flabbergasted by his words. What does that even mean? She can't keep a shelter she paid for? "What? Why can't I keep it?" Y/n asked. "You weren't paying for this shelter after people stopped adopting hybrids here. So I'm sorry but you can't keep the shelter." Saikawa explained.

Y/n was filled with emotions she couldn't explain. But one she could describe one. Broken. She had this shelter for years and it was her mother's shelter. She promised she would take care of it and help every hybrid in the shelter. "But sir, what would happen to the hybrids still living here once it shuts down?" Y/n asked "Those hybrids would have to put them down so they don't suffer in any other shelter." Saikawa said.

This left Y/n in shock. All of the boys were special to her and she promised that she would get them a home. She couldn't break her promise and kill them.  The boys have been in the shelter ever since it started. "But Saikawa, is there a way to help them without putting them down?" Y/n said. Saikawa looked at his papers. "Well, actually, there is." He said. This surprised Y/n. "Please tell me. I don't want these boys to die." Y/n begged. "Do you live in a big enough space?" Saikawa asked randomly. "Uh, yeah I just moved and my house is pretty big." Y/n said. Saikawa nodded. He took out a pen and paper.

"The only thing you could do is adopt them. Are you interested?" Saikawa said. Y/n had to think for a moment. She already had Yoongi, was she ready for six more hybrids? She shook the thought out of her head a nodded. "Yes, I will like to adopt them." Y/n said. Saikawa nodded. He took out his phone and sent a email to someone. Y/n assumed that he was contacting someone to cancel putting the hybrids down.  Y/n nodded. "Yeah, I'll adopt them." Y/n said.  "Okay. You have adoption papers for them right?" Saikawa asked. "Yes, I have them ready." Y/n said.

She went to a cabinet filled with adoption papers and had each of the hybrids' names. She filled them out and handed it to Saikawa. "Okay, you are free to tell the hybrids. Sorry about losing the shelter." Saikawa said, bowing his head down. Y/n nodded, still feeling sad about losing her mother's shelter, but she was also giving her favorite hybrids' their forever home.

She watched Saikawa walk out of the shelter and she went to the back to tell the seven boys the good news and bad news. When she opened the heavy metal door, she looked over to the window that showed inside the boys' room and saw all the boys sitting in front of their door. "Guys, you didn't have to wait for me." Y/n chuckled, opening the door slowly.

"Y/nie, why are you closing the shelter?" Taehyung asked "What? How did you hear all of that?" Y/n asked. "The shelter's quiet.. so we can hear you from the front desk." Jin said. Y/n sighed. "But there's good news, I adopted all of you." Y/n said. All of their eyes lit up. "R-really?" Jimin asked "Yeah, you guys are getting adopted." Y/n said. All of their tail started to wag. "Now you guys go get ready, then we can head to the house." Y/n said. They all nodded and started packing. 

Jin helped pack the three younger boys' things, while Hoseok and Namjoon packed on their own. Namjoon, being the alpha of the seven boys, was telling everyone to hurry and helping everyone. Y/n was at the front desk packing boxes of stuff before she closed the shelter, permanently.  Jungkook was in her arms while she was doing it. He was mumbling and playing with his pink bunny, well nibbling on it's ears. Y/n placed all of the things into the boxes and taped it up. 

Everyone came out with their belongings in their suitcases. Jimin looked really nervous as he held his calico cat toy. "Hey Jimin, it's okay. You'll like your new home." Y/n said. Jimin nodded slowly. Yoongi was itching his neck a lot, due to his collar getting smaller on him. "Yoonie, are you okay?" Y/n asked. Yoongi shook his head. "Yoonie itchy." Yoongi said, scratching his neck. Now Y/n had to buy him a new one, and while she was at it she could buy the rest of them collars since they needed an ID on them. 

All of the boys walked outside and waited by the car while Y/n was locking up. She walked outside and locked the door for the last time. She sighed and walked to the car. She helped the boys put they're stuff in the trunk. Taehyung and Jimin sat next to each other with their backpacks at their feet. Taehyung was playing with his Ipad and Jimin was looking out the window. Jin sat in the back seat with Jungkook, who was in a car seat. Namjoon sat in the very back with Hoseok, while Yoongi sat in the passenger seat.

 "Okay, boys. Got everything?" Y/n asked. Everyone nodded. Y/n looked at the shelter one last time and sighed. She started the car and drove off. The boys watched out their windows as the got farther and farther from the shelter. Until, it was out of sight. Y/n looked at the shelter one last time. 

"It's time to start a new chapter, Y/n.." 

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