Chapter 1: Meeting Jin.

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Meeting Jin:

It was a busy evening, really unusual at the shelter. Y/n was 9 at the time and was helping her mother were moving stuff around and taking care of adoptions. People at the time really liked pet hybrids. Half of them wanted someone to have in the house but also take cares of itself, or some people just wanted to adopt a younger hybrid to raise as a kid. Adopting baby hybrids or hybrids under the age 14 were the most popular to adopt. That evening before closing, she and her mother found BamBam a home. And was currently helping him get set for his moving day.  "Bye Bambam, have fun with your new family." Y/n said "Okay Y/n! I promise." Bam Bam said. Y/n chuckled ruffling his hair.

She watched the boy walk off with his new family. When she was about to lock the door to the front of the shelter, a Hybrid ran passed with two men chasing him. Y/n saw the scared look in the hybrid's eyes when they made eye contact. Y/n sprung into her parental sdie and went to help the hybrid being chased. "Hey! Who do you think  you two are?" Y/n said. The two men turned around, facing Y/n in the face. 

"This hybrid here, it's a hyena. One of the most dangerous hybrids. So we're gonna take care of it and kill the mutt." One of them said, holding a small gun in his hand. The hybrid yelped when the gun pointed towards him. Y/n gave them an angry glare. She walked toards the hybrid and picked him up. "Yah! What the hell ya' doing?!" The man shouted. "It's illegal to kill a hybrid just because of their species. It's illegal to even abuse or touch a hybrid for no reason." Y/n said in a stern tone. The two men scoffed and left. Y/n looked at the hybrid in her arm, that was still scared. "Hey little guy, can you tell me your name?" Y/n asked. The hybrid quivered at first but soon trusted Y/n. "SeokJin. You can call me Jin for short." The hybrid said. "SeokJin, that's a cute name.How old are you?" Y/n said. "I'm this many." Jin said, holding up seven fingers. "Jin, do you want to come with me to the hybrid shelter? I can take care of you and find you a family." Y/n asked. Jin nodded slowly. 

The two walked towards the door that lead into the younger hybrid rooms. "Eomma, we have a new hybrid." Y/n said. Her mother looked back and saw Y/n holding the little hyena hybrid's hand. "Oh, please bring him here." her mother said. Y/n walked into the room with Jin gripping her hand tightly, still terrified. "Come on Jin, you can go ahead." Y/n said. Jin shook his head and hid behind Y/n. Y/n took Jin's hand again and brought him closer to her mother. "Hi little guy, what's your name?" her mother asked. Jin was shaking, but manged to say his name. "S-seokJin. But you can call-call me Jin." Jin said in a quivered voice.

"Well it's nice to meet you Jin. I just need to take your picture for your adoption papers if someone wants to adopt you." Y/n's mother said. Jin nodded slowly and ran to Y/n. He hid behind her, still shaking and crying softly. Y/n knew how he was feeling. He was terrified and alone. He didn't know anyone around him. He just wanted his Eomma. "Come on, we need to take your picture." Y/n said. Jin followed them slowly. He kept his head down, holding Y/n's hand tightly.

They went to the front of the shelter and sat Jin down on a stool, Y/n fixed his hair which was all matted. She wiped the tears off Jin's cheeks and went to the camera. Jin sat there arms crossed sad, he was still looking down. "Okay, Jin when I count to to three your going to give me your best smile okay?" Y/n said. Jin nodded slowly. Y/n counted down and when it got to three, Jin gave a cute smile like he wasn't sad at all.

Y/n chuckled and took the picture. "Wow, Jin. That was a good smile." Y/n said. "T-Thank you." Jin said, blushing a little. Y/n printed the picture and it came out in a small rectangle and she put it with the adoption papers that were done printing. She put the adoption papers in a folder and placed it in a cabinet.

"Okay, Jin lets get you settled for the night." Y/n said. Jin nodded and followed Y/n. They walked to the younger hybrid area of the shelter and walked to a room where Bambam stayed in. "You can stay in here for the night." Y/n said. Jin walked in slowly. He looked down sadly. "Jin, are you okay? Is it to much for you?" Y/n asked. Jin shook his head. "N-no it's fine. But it just looks like my room at home." Jin said. Y/n felt guilty all of the sudden. She wanted to get Jin's mind off of his passed life for the moment, but ended up making him more side.

"Oh sorry." Y/n said "It's okay. I just miss my old house. But if it weren't for my mistake this wouldn't have happened." Jin admitted. He looked around the room and then his feet. His tail tucked between his legs. "Jin, do you want to change into clean clothing?" Y/n asked, bending down to Jin's size. Jin nodded slowly. "Alright, I'll get you a change of clothes from the back, just get comfy in here." Y/n said, petting the top of Jin's head. Making Jin's tail wag a little.

Y/n left the room and into the back where they kept extra clothing. She picked out a matching set of blue Pj's. It was a short sleeved shirt and long loss pants with pockets. It had a print of the shelters logo on the front of the shirt. She got a pair that were Jin's size and took it to Jin's room. When she opened the door, Jin was laying on the bed in his hyena form.

"Jin, do you still want to change?" Y/n asked. Jin's ears twitched and he shifted back into a human. 'Yes please." Jin said. Y/n handed him the matching pair of clothes and Jin left the room to change in the bathroom in the room. Jin walked out wearing the clothes, hands inside the pockets. "You look cute." Y/n said. Jin smiled a little, adding a giggle. "Okay, lets get you to bed." Y/n said. She got a blanket from the closet in Jin's room and gave it to him.

Jin went to lay on his bed but before Y/n could leave, Jin was shaking all of the sudden again. "Jin, are you okay? Our you still cold?" Y/n asked. "No... I don't like sleeping by myself. And I still miss my Eomma." Jin said. "This boy really does miss his Eomma." Y/n thought to herself. She sat on Jin's bed and rubbed the back of his ears. He laid his head on the pillow and his tail started to thump on the bed as Y/n scratched the back of Jin's ears. His eyes started to slowly fall as Y/n left. "Night Jin, I'll be back in the morning." Y/n said. 

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