Chapter 4: Meeting Jimin.

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Y/n walked to two blocks from the bus stop and to her school. It was a pretty chilly day so as Y/n walked she was freezing. Unfortunately, she had gym that day and it was a mile run on the soccer field. She walked into her school's campus and towards her locker. "Hey Y/n, I heard you have a new hybrid at the shelter." One of her friends, Seo-Yeon said. "Oh hey Seo-Yeon. Yeah we got a new hybrid I found abandoned in the park yesterday with Taehyung, he's a little one month old fox hybrid named Jungkook. Turns out he was abandoned by his original owners." Y/n said, grabbing her text books from out her backpack and putting them in her locker.

"Well after school can you come over to my place? Our Hamster hybrid, Jimin. We can't keep him anymore because our landlord doesn't allow hybrids or pets in our apartment. So we thought you can come to my place and bring him to the shelter and find him a good home." Seo-Yeon said. Y/n looked at her friend and back at the calendar in her locker. "Hm, sure I'll stop by with Taehyung during our walk after school." Y/n said "Thanks, I'll meet you outside near the flower garden after school." Seo-Yeon said, before walking away. Y/n took out her phone and texted Namjoon she'll be taking Taehyung with her today. Which he replied with a thumbs up emoji.

Later that day

Y/n waited outside of the school as crowds of students walked out the doors. "Y/n, over here!" Seo-Yeon shouted, running towards Y/n. Y/n looked around a waved her hand. "Oh hey!" Y/n said. "Okay, lets head to the shelter so we can pick up Taehyung." Y/n said. Seo-Yeon nodded and followed her friend down the street towards the shelter. "Oh be prepared to hear crying. Jin texted me saying that Jungkook is grumpy." Y/n said "It's okay I'm used to it." Seo-Yeon said. Y/n walked in through the front door and Taehyung was playing in the back of the desk again. Taehyung's ears twitched when he heard the door open and the bell ring. "Guys, I'm here!" Y/n announced. Taehyung stood up and ran to Y/n. "Y/n!" Taehyung said happily, running into Y/n's arms. "Hey Taehyung, sorry I have you wait." Y/n said, picking up the boy as his tail wagged happily. "Taehyung you remember Seo-Yeon right?" Y/n asked turning Taehyung towards Seo-Yeon. Taehyung smiled and nodded. "Yeah, she's Jiminie's owner!" Taehyung said happily with a grin. Seo-Yeon smiled a waved.

There was then crying from the other room and Jin walked in looking more exhausted then he ever was. And his arms was a crying Jungkook. "Oh Y/n your back." Jin said in a tired tone "Jin, what the heck happen?" Y/n asked, looking at the hybrid. "Oh, Jungkook started crying when the dog hybrids next door started howling. He's been crying the whole afternoon." Jin explained, as Jungkook kept crying. Y/n put Taehyung down and walked towards Jin, taking Jungkook out of his hands. "Shh, Jungkook look who's here." Y/n cooed, holding Jungkook close to her chest. Jungkook hiccuped after hearing Y/n's voice. He stopped crying and looked at Y/n. "Hey Jungkookie." Y/n said with a smile. Jungkook giggled and reached his hands towards Y/n. His tail now wagging and he made happy fox sounds. "Jungkookie smile again!" Taehyung said happily. Jungkook giggled more hearing Taehyung voice.

"Oh right, Taehyung do you want to see Jimin?" Y/n asked, looking at Taehyung. "Yeah Yeah! TaeTae want to see Jiminie!" Taehyung said happily. Y/n smiled at Taehyung and Jungkook giggled as well looking at Taehyung's happy boxy smile. "Okay lets go Taehyung. Seo-Yeon's waiting." Y/n said, looking at her friend. Y/n handed Jungkook back to Jin and gave Taehyung his wrist band with his information on it. "Okay Jin I'll be back in half an hour." Y/n said, picking up Taehyung "Okay, me and Namjoon can manege the shelter for that long." Jin said, rubbing his nose on Jungkook's. "Okay bye Jin." Y/n said. "Bye Jinnie Hyung!" Taehyung said, waving. Jin waved and Jungkook waved as well.

Taehyung was running ahead of the two high school students. "Taehyung! Don't run to far!" Y/n called out. Taehyung turned around and back to Y/n. "Okay my house is around the corner." Seo-Yeon said. Y/n nodded and picked up Taehyung. "Y/n, are we there yet?" Taehyung asked "Almost Taehyung. We're almost there." Y/n said. The three turned the corner and walked another few blocks towards Seo-Yeon's house. "Okay we're here." Seo-Yeon said.

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