Chapter Two: Nico PoV

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This is probably stupid, but thank you for three views! I thought I'd be waiting weeks for one! Edited, Word count: 1655

My brother led me to the elevator, and we stood in awkward silence for the ride.

As the elevator doors opened, he stopped me, "The rest of the Avengers are going to want some more answers on your time traveling situation. I'll explain the whole being brothers thing, but the rest is up to you."

I nodded my understanding, and he led me into the living room. I could tell that Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Natalie Rushman, Steve Rogers, and Clint Barton were here from my brother's descriptions. My brother said Thor was off-world usually, and I was glad. With him being part of the 'mythological' world, I didn't know the full extent of what he was aware of. It was also one fewer pair of eyes focused on my every move.

As I entered the room, their eyes all bore into me. I felt a sudden urge to slink into a shadow and disappear. I was like a deer caught in a headlight. My brother grabbed me by the arm and pushed me forward out of the shadow I'd unconsciously moved into.

When I moved into the light, Steve jolted upright, "Nico?!"

I half-smiled sheepishly, "Hey Steve. You got a growth spurt."

The redhead I now knew was Natalie looked really angry, "I want answers. What the hell is going on here?!"

"Language," Steve said. His eyes didn't move from me for even an instant. He approached me hesitantly, "Nico, is it really you? You look so different."

"Yeah, it's me."

The 'Stark' guy then stands up, "I agree with the assassin. I want to know what's going on."

Chess steps forward, "This is my younger brother, Nico Di Angelo. I'm actually originally from Italy. When we moved to the US, I changed my name, so our last names are different. We also have different fathers, which is why I was born twelve years before him. I'm not sure if the age gap is still the same," he turns to me, "how old are you now, biologically?"


My brother continues, "So our age gap is still pretty much the same. I don't know how he's here, and he's not sure either."

I decide to offer some information, "My sister and I woke up in a hotel in New York five years ago with no recollection of how we got to this time."

"Bianca?" Steve asks.

My brother shakes his head sadly.

Could Hydra be involved?" Steve wonders aloud.

"I'm not sure," Chess responds.

Bruce looks like he's about to explode, "That doesn't explain the life-threatening injuries. And I'd like to know where you," he turns to me, "got all those scars from."

"What scars?" my brother looks worried.

I'm scrambling, "I'm just a really clumsy person. I've broken a lot of bones on accident, and I'm not great around heavy machinery."

Steve's brow furrows. I actually am pretty graceful, and I'm sure he remembers.

"That still doesn't explain the stab wounds, claw marks, evidence of past poisoning, I could go on. How did you get so badly injured this morning?" Bruce stares at me pointedly.

I wince, "I was mugged. I've been living on the streets of New York for the past five years, fending for myself. You don't come out of my life unscathed," I shoot him a dark look, daring him to continue.

"Nico." The genuine concern in my brother's voice is too much.

Natalie turns to me and continues to press on, "What about the claw marks? What are you hiding? How do we know you are who you say you are?"

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