thank you

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yeseul's mom as the last time, send a huge box with dress, heels and a purse. she took it to the apartment and opened it. yeseul was actually surprised, in a good way, cause the dress was really beautiful. it was black with long sleeves, a bit tight, but good enough, to walk in it. with it came silver heels with silver jewelry and a black purse. then she texted mom "thanks, the dress is beutiful" and went into the shower.

at 6:00 pm a black car that she recognised, parked in the parking lot, in front of the building, where she had her apartment. the driver went out of the car and opened the door for her. when they arrived at her parents' house and drove trough the gate, outside was hanseo waiting for her. he opened the door for yeseul. as she got out, they both bowed to eachother and he complimented her about how she looks.

,,yeseul-ah! i haven't seen you for years!" ,,oh dad, come on!" yeseul hugged him and her mother too. ,,am i late?" ,,no you're not sweetie." her mother spoke. in this situation, yeseul didn't know if her mother really meant it, or if she was just pretending to be nice in front of hanseo. ,,let's go then." they moved to the dining room and sat around the table. thankfully it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, but they had no idea that there was one more person watching them.

,,so what are your plans?" yeseul's mom asked. ,,what plans?" yeseul said. ,,you know with your engagement." hanseo choked on the steak that he was eating. ,,um we'll sort it out on our own. m-other." he slowly answered. ,,oh, that's nice. okay." ,,but don't postpone it too much." she smiled at them. they finished eating and her parents talked with some another people that were also invited to the dinner. hanseo and yeseul sat on the couch and talked about normal and boring stuff.

junwoo has paid the maids so he could hide and watch them during the dinner. he was curious if hanseo tried anything on yeseul.  hanseo then said something funny and they laughed at it. junwoo just stared at them with disgust and anger. she even put her hand on his for a while. he just couldn't stand it. junwoo wanted to go to them and just punch his brother.

yeseul asked hanseo, if he saw their whole house and if not, she would show it to him. so they went upstairs after excusing theirselves in front of the elders. ,,you have a really nice house though." ,,so this is the place i spend my whole childhood. it's weird now being in here. i haven't been in my old room for almost two years." she said as they were looking in the rooms. ,,do you want to look there?" ,,yeah, sure." she then opened the door of her room and they went in. it was nice, big and modern. hanseo examined the room and said. ,,i guess you had better childhood than me." ,,what?" ,,uh, um nothing."

junwoo actually followed them with looking at everything so he didn't get caught but also to imagine how yeseul has lived in here. he finally got to the place where yeseul's room was and he could listen to their conversation. the door wasn't fully closed so he quietly stood by the wall and looked at them through the few inches between the door and the door frame. he saw them sitting on yeseul's bed.

,,how were your parents? i mean like when you were a child, were they at least a little nice?" hanseo asked. ,,they were nice untill i was like 2? or 3? i guess. my parents wanted me to be educated from the day i was born or whatever. even though we had maids and lots of cleaners, they just left the house work on me, so i could learn a lesson. and it wasn't just the god damn house work, it was everything. i feel like my parents are kind of nice and they like me. but they just don't show it. instead they act so bossy and nothing else." ,,i'm sorry for that." ,,oh no, no, no. don't be sorry for me. i should be the one who's sorry. i'm just blabbing and instantly complaining about my childhood problems. now you. it's your turn. go on and tell me about your childhood. i'm sorry for you if it was bad and you don't want to talk about it."

,,no it's fine." junwoo after hearing this clenched his fists. 'don't you dare say something about your brother. she's gonna find out my real identity.' he thought for hisself. hanseo told yeseul something about his father beating him and she could understand hanseo. they were thinking of leaving so junwoo decided that it would be the best for his own sake, if he went outside too. they went downstairs and saidd their goodbyes to others. they left the house and passed the gate too to walk around. they stopped and both looked at eachother. ,,i wnated to thank you for you sharing something with me about yourself." she chuckled. ,,and how you stood up a little bit for me cause of the engagement. thank you." she then gave him a little kiss on the cheek and walked away. he was fluttered by her words but suddenly something showed up in front of him.

it was his brother. jang junwoo, or would you like jang hanseok? ,,well, well, well! you got closer with my yeseul." ,,hm. wait.. what's with your hair? and why are you here?" hanseo asked. ,,yeseul told me she liked it this way." hanseo angrily sighed inside. ,,i heard all of your little conversations." ,,i'll just let it go. but don't forget, she's mine."

A/N: hope you at least a little bit liked this chapter :) and i have a sad announcement to make. i won't be active for two weeks cause of my camp. there's no wifi and i can't charge my phone there so it would be hard to write and not to discharge the battery. sorry again. thanks for your votes and comments. they are keeping me motivated. <3

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