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it was the morning and junwoo just woke up and hanseo was still sleeping in the guest bedroom. junwoo took a shower and put on some shorts. he saw that someone was using the guest bedroom, so he wanted to go to hanseo and ask him what's this all about.

he headed to his room and opened the door. he was startled when his eyes saw yeseul laying in hanseo's bed with unbuttoned shirt and some burgundy panties. he saw her bare chest. it looked like she had no bra on. then his eyes made a way to the floor where he saw her skirt, socks and some jacket. he couldn't unnotice the bra there too. he angrily got out of the bedroom.

then he waited in the kitchen eating breakfast. hanseo just got up as he heard the loud noises of junwoo harshly cleaning the plates. he was still wearing the suit from yesterday so he just fixed his hair and went to see junwoo in the kitchen.

,,so you're finally awake, huh?" junwoo said. thankfully it didn't wake yeseul, cause she had too many drinks yesterday. ,,um yes." junwoo chuckled and smirked in anger. ,,yes?" and what were you doing last night?" hanseo just looked down and kept being quiet.

,,seriously? did you slept with her?" hanseo looked at him startled. he quickly answered: ,,no..... of course not. i wouldn't do that." ,,i think you're lying." ,,no. sir i'm telling you the truth." ,,wish i could believe that." then junwoo went closer to hanseo. he dusted some dirt off his suit and then grabbed a towel with his hand.

he wrapped the towel around hanseo's neck. junwoo started to tighten the grip. ,,didn't you understand what i said to you earlier? if there's anyone who's gonna fuck her, it's me!" he yelled to his face. hanseo started to cough. it seemed like he became obsessive over yeseul like he does over everything.

,,so stop trying and call of the wedding. do you understand?" ,,y-ye-s." ,,fine then." he had loosen on the grip and hanseo almost fell to the ground. ,,i don't want to wake her up so i'll go to wusang." ,,oh and tell the maid to make her something for breakfast." he smiled and went back to his bedroom to dress up.

after an hour yeseul woke up. she looked startled around her, mainly on the floor and put her hand on the head. ,,oh shit. no... no no no. fuck! did i sleep with him?" she quickly took the clothes from the floor. she got dressed and fixed her hair. yeseul took her purse and got out of the bedroom as soon as possible.

hanseo was sitting on the high chair that was placed in front of the kitchen island, and eating some eggs with toast. he noticed her when she was running out of his room. she stopped when her eyes met him. they gave each other a startled gaze. ,,hey." ,,hm. hey. i will just go, yes?" ,,um, no wait, stay. the maid has made you a breakfast." ,,uh, yeah fine." she quietly went to sit next to him, with her head down, looking at her bare feet.

she took a seat and slowly grabbing the croissant to take a bite from it. ,,don't worry...." hanseo started a conversation and she looked at him with full mouth. ,,hm?" she just mumbled. ,,we din't sleep together." ,,then how was i naked?" ,,i guess you undressed yourself. you were really drunk yesterday." ,,wait did i do something too embarassing?" ,,you just yelled at me cause of the engagement."

they finished their breakfast and hanseo offered that some of his drivers can take yeseul to her home. but she refused. she needed to take a little break and a walk wouldn't be so bad. ,,i'm sorry for yesterday. hope i didn't cause any problems." but hanseo knew that she did. ,,bye then." ,,um, yes bye." hanseo just muttered and yeseul was getting up from her seat. then he watched how she exited the modern house.

,,omg. that was so embarassing!" she yelled as she was on her way home. yeseul still walked without her heels, cause they were too small and she got hurt yesterday, when they were walking from the restaurant. she had a red bruise on her left foot cause of that. it was too painful, so she just called a cab anyways. if someone of hanseo's drivers would take yeseul to her apartment, it would be much more awkward.

as she got home her mom called her. but she didn't pick up. yeseul was too exhausted to talk with her mother. but then she remembered something strange. when she was in the kitchen, she could feel the sweet and sexy scent that junwoo always had. it was really weird. does hanseo has the same parfume? no he has another one. she remembered both of the scents when she was hugging them. yeseul explained to herself, that maybe junwoo was actually in there, because she knows that wusang is dealing with some of babel's cases.

then she filled the bath with warm water and laid in it. she let her body soak in.

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