Chapter Five: Late Night Stroll

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My session with Dev only lasted another fifteen minutes before he called an end to the evening. It was a shorter session than usual, but I didn't care. I was more than thankful to escape the watchful eyes of Markus and his friends.

I was quick to dash into the changing rooms, eager to avoid conversation with anyone, and when I re-emerged, the gym had cleared out considerably. The lights were still on, but Markus and the others were nowhere to be seen. There was only the sound of weights clanging against metal, from a lone man that remained in the far corner of the main floor, and the sound of a few quiet grunts from someone doing pull-ups, and the slap of someone's feet against the running machine.


I had never seen the gym so empty and lifeless before. I didn't like it. It almost felt like the beginning of a horror film, and I half expected a murderer to pop up any second.

I might have welcomed a murdered though, had I known beforehand that Markus sat behind the old reception desk that Dev's niece, Shivanya usually occupied.

"You walking?" Markus asked with that frown of his when he saw me approaching, still in my gym clothes with the addition of a sweatshirt and my backpack slung across my shoulder.

"Uh..." I paused, surprised by the sight of him and the sound of his deep voice. I had hoped I'd be able to leave without having to speak to him again. "Yeah... You work here?"

It was one thing if he just exercised here. The likelihood of running into him every day was much slimmer, but if he worked here, then I was bound to run into him again. It was a miracle I hadn't seen him before now. Perhaps I had, and I had just never noticed him before now.

"It's dark. You want me to walk you home?" He asked instead of answering me. His voice was quiet, but amongst the silence of the room, it felt as if he were near shouting.

No. Definitely not.

I blinked at him in disbelief. "No, it's fine. Don't worry about it."

Markus shot me a brief, disapproving look, then glanced towards the front door. "This area is pretty shitty, and there's barely enough street lights. Have you walked home from the gym at night by yourself before?"

I too looked towards the door, shifting on my feet, unsure what to say. It was awfully dark outside, and I didn't want to walk home alone with my phone battery as dangerously low as it was. But walking home with my drunken one-night-stand was hardly tempting. Especially when he'd spent the past hour scowling in my presence.

As if sensing my hesitation, he added, "We don't have to talk. We can walk in total silence."

Because that won't make it fucking awkward.

"Surely you can't just leave in the middle of a shift?" I said instead, biting my lower lip as I contemplated my options. Option 1: walk home alone and risk getting stabbed. Option 2: walk home with Markus and experience the extreme awkwardness.

A light stabbing felt awfully appealing.

I should have brought some money with me and taken a taxi home - this is what happens when you don't plan ahead, you idiot. It hadn't even occurred to me I would have to walk home alone in the dark until now. Markus was right, this wasn't a very nice neighbourhood; Sarah had reminded me of that yesterday, and there were countless instances of girls being harassed around here every week.

"I'll just walk you a little closer to campus, where the streets are a little busier. You're a student, right?"

I nodded, sighing and said, "Yeah, I am. Uh..."

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