Chapter Four: Awkward Introductions

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"I've never seen you so red before," Sarah cackled. We were safely back at our apartment, legs tangled together as we sat on opposite ends of our small sofa, with the TV blaring some horrible show we'd found on Netflix in the background. She had been laughing over my misfortune for five minutes now.

"It's not funny," I groaned. "I honestly thought my heart was about to burst from my chest, like, I just completely froze up there. If it weren't for you nudging me forward to follow Dev into his office, I might still be standing in the middle of the gym."

Laughing, Sarah asked, "When did you talk to that guy, then? I didn't see you two in the pub together." No, Sarah, that's because you had your tongue down someone else's throat. "Also like, wow. He's so hot. Not my type, and he's certainly not your usual type, but damn. Good going."

I groaned, heat scorching my cheeks. Dipping my chin, my blonde hair fanned out around me and somewhat hid my face. "I would love to stop talking about this."

"Come on." She nudged me with her foot, sniggering. "We never have any gossip. Our lives are so dull. I need you to tell me everything."

"You would have seen me with him last night if you weren't completely off your face," I huffed, offering her a weak glare. She was completely unfazed, grinning at me, waiting for me to continue. I rolled my eyes and explained with a sigh, "He approached me at the bar, clearly a little drunk. I was also quite drunk. We kissed, and I followed him home."

Sarah squealed, hitting me with the pillow she'd been hugging to her stomach.

"You slutty bitch. What, this happened in, like, five minutes or something? I love it. Was it good?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively.

By now, my face was on fire. Shrugging noncommittally, as if it hadn't been the best sex I'd ever had, I said, "I'm never doing that again, I swear. I'm one more one-night stand away from being murdered; I can't keep pushing my luck like this."

"Calm down. You've slept with, like, three people before this. They were all from uni who you have mutual friends with and they all live on campus. Anyway, it's probably best it was shitty. He's too attractive. It would be unfair if he was also good in bed," she said, mis-reading my lack of details. "Although it could have been the drinks. Guys are like that sometimes. Maybe if he was sober, it would be ever better."

I don't think I would survive if it got better.

"Well, unless you want to shag him, too, we'll never find out."

"I don't know," Sarah cooed, looking far too pleased. "He was looking at you pretty intently. I bet he'd love to get into your bed again."

"Well, he's going to be sorely disappointed then, isn't he?" I huffed, rolling my eyes. "Anyway, he was obviously glaring at me. I'm not sure I'd take that as a sign of interest."

"He was probably just shocked to see you again. Are you going to see him more, do you think? I would love to know how that first conversation goes down."

"What about you and Casper?" I asked, deflecting. "How did things go with him?"

"Who- Oh, you mean Caden." Sarah's face scrunched into disgust.

"What's that look for? Did you sleep with him?"

"No, definitely not," Sarah assured, looking repulsed by just the suggestion.

"Well, forgive me for asking," I said sarcastically. "Only it looked like you were both trying to fuse your mouths together last night."

"Uh, don't, please. Don't remind me." Sarah groaned, hiding her face in her hands as she sunk further down into the sofa.

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