"This is what Hogwarts should be like when we go back", Luna said airily. "We're all a very nice little family. Houses don't matter."

"Do you think McGonagall would let us throw a party?", Ginny asked, a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

Pansy snorted in response.

"All of you probably. She doesn't like any of us."

Harry summoned some parchment and began to write.

"Blaise, choose a song while Harry is writing", Draco instructed.

"You're all my friends. I'm not going to let any of you get attacked because of what house you were sorted into. That goes for all of the Slytherins too, not just you. Hogwarts should be a safe space for everyone. Ironically, it became a safe place for me, even with all of the attempts made on my life (this is a joke that doesn't translate well on paper.

I'll talk to her when we go back. I think a party is what we need. I say we start small with the higher years. Maybe from year 6 and up? The younger ones will follow whatever we do. Honestly, they'll follow whatever I do, as much as I hate to say it.

We'll all hang out in public too. Go to Hogsmeade, shopping together, whatever. I don't like crowds, but we all have to make sacrifices. Voldemort is dead and he isn't coming back. We should be celebrating and banding together. I'll do whatever it takes, I promise."

After the spell finished reading Harry's parchment aloud, everyone tackled him in a group hug, Pansy squeezing him the tightest.

"Thank you for giving us a chance Harry", she said fiercely. "We'll make you proud."

"You're my friends, I'm already proud."

"Not one Hufflepuff in attendance, and everyone got all sappy", Blaise said, shaking his head in mock disgust.

"We should probably befriend a Hufflepuff for complete unity", Ginny mused.

"That was very Slytherin of you to say babe", Pansy teased.

"Luna and I are friends with Rolf", Neville offered.

"Rolf who?", Pansy asked, wrinkling her nose in confusion.

"My boyfriend, Rolf Scamander. He's in my year. He helps me find magical creatures. Quite lovely he is."

Everyone just stared at each other, as they didn't know Luna had a boyfriend, let alone that Rolf existed.

"Wait, like Newt Scamander?", Draco asked.

"That's his grandfather, he's also very lovely. Such a kind man."

"I trust Harry", Draco cut in. "We'll all look out and protect each other. Especially us 8th years. I don't know who else would even come back. Myself, Harry, Pansy, Blaise, Neville, Granger, Weasel. Who else am I missing?"

"I don't know if Dean and Seamus are coming back, but you won't get one without the other", Neville commented.

"We'll make a plan on the train ride then. Now, can I sing my song?", Blaise asked. "We can all meet Rolf if he's okay with that once school starts."

After receiving a chorus of "yes", he sang Lights Up by Harry Styles. Everyone then starting chanting for Harry to sing.

"Fine!", he relented with a roll of his eyes.

Draco quietly cheered him on as Harry began to play Favorite Place by All Time Low on his guitar. This song was for Draco.

"I saw your face in a photograph
Oh, how I wish that it could talk back
I'd drive right off the Earth to find you
If it meant that I could see you tonight"

Draco knew Harry was referencing the photo he had given him for his birthday of them in front of the sunset, and he was fighting back a blush. This was a song Draco had only heard once before, so he really paid attention to the lyrics.

"So, can we close the space between us now?
It's the distance we don't need
Yeah, you're everything I love about
The things I hate in me"

These lyrics really got Draco. He felt the same way about Harry, and it made his heart hurt.

"I saw your face in the fire again
I touched the flames and burned down everything"

This referenced their floo calls, and Draco really wanted to go up there and kiss his Harry.

"But you feel like the perfect escape now
Just like the sun on my face"

If anyone had known about their trip in detail, they probably would've caught on. Instead, everyone was transfixed by Harry's guitar playing and singing voice. Draco could freely admire his boyfriend as everyone else was too.

"So come on, come on, come over now and
Fix me with your grace
'Cause I'm not too far and you're my favorite place"

When Harry finished the song, he sang directly to Draco. As everyone cheered and whistled, he blushed and looked away.

"Luna?", he called, wanting the attention off him.

Luna sang some obscure song. No one quite knew what it was, but it was pretty nonetheless, and the perfect note to end on before dinner. Ginny, Pansy, Blaise, Neville, and Luna went to set the food up. The twins had a "project" they were working on for their gift for Harry. It was concerning really, but he prayed for the best.

This left Harry and Draco alone. Draco followed Harry into his bedroom, where he promptly closed the door as Harry placed the guitar on his bed. Wasting no time, Draco pulled Harry in for a deep kiss.

"Thank you for the song."

"I'm glad you picked up on that."

"Of course I did. You're my other half my darling."

With a grin, Harry kissed Draco quickly again.

"We need to go before they're suspicious sweetheart."

With a nod and a pout, Draco opened the door for them to go, and went off to see if his help was needed with the food. Harry laid down on his new bed, and took his surroundings in. The walls were a beautiful silver color, and there were some photos on the wall.

Saying Harry's life was far from perfect was an understatement, but he was doing well with what he had been given. It was a long road to recovery, but his new friends were extremely supportive. He knew his new Slytherin family wouldn't let anything happen to him, and that made him feel safe.

Then there was Draco, who was too perfect for words. He felt like the sun, and filled Harry with such warmth and love that sometimes he swore it radiated from his skin. When he was called for dinner, everyone felt the happier change in his mood, and they were thankful for it.

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