Chapter 38

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"Holograms?" Everly asked me, holding up my sword and backing away from the guards.

"Yeah," I said. "Lonnie and I were fighting a few guards but they disappeared after we attacked them. But since these are real people, let's try not to actually harm them too much."

"Alrighty!" Everly chirped, eyeing a guard.

After five minutes, Everly and I managed to take the guards down. Afterwards, we opened a small wooden door that was hidden and saw the innocent people.

The people of Auradon seemed relieved and happy when they saw Everly and I. It took a minute or two to persuade them that we weren't here to harm them, then after that, they seemed really comfortable.

We exited the cabin and that's when I started thinking.

"Is it safe for me to take these people back to my dorm?" I asked Everly.

"For sure," Everly replied, slipping her hand in my own. "If Audrey tries something, we'll be ready."

I liked how Everly was keeping me on track. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably be hiding in a corner too. The only other problem was the fact that we were now in the forest and I had no idea how to make it back to Auradon Prep.

I thought about looking around the forest, but I realized if I went alone I'd get lost and if I took the others, I'd get lost too.

I couldn't figure out what we could do. And to make it worst, it was now raining and the weather became chillier.

"Let's go back inside the cabin. I don't know how to locate Auradon Prep and we'll surely get lost. The best thing we can do is wait here."

Everyone seemed to understand me and went back inside. Everly shared the rest of the sandwiches she had, plus some juice boxes and bags of chips.

Even though most of the people were at least teenagers, they all seemed to be appreciative.

I munched on a potato chip as I tried to figure out what we could do. Suddenly, I came up with the perfect solution.

It might not work, but it's better than nothing.

I turned on my mic and heard absolute silence.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I ask, praying that someone was there. Nobody replied.

I thought about pulling out my phone, but the rain started picking up and because of that, my phone was being glitchy. I couldn't even access the phone button, my poor phone isn't waterproof and the rain must've hit it when we were outside.

"Someone please answer!"

Again, I was met with silence. I was so frustrated that I wanted to throw my mic across the room. Instead, I munched on two more potato chips and tried to think of something else.

The only other solution would be to wait out until the rain stopped, but by hearing the rain continue, I could tell it would stop in hours and we can't wait for hours.

"Carlos! Lonnie! Mal! Jay! Someone, anyone! Please!" I begged into the mic, hearing my phone crack. Luckily everyone was hanging out in the corner while I was near the door. I didn't want anyone to hear how horrible I sounded.

"Tessa? Are you okay?" I heard a voice say from the mic.

"Carlos? Is that you?"

"Tessa? Yeah, it's me. What's wrong?"

My heart started pounding. So everything isn't hopeless after all.

"I found some people, but we're stuck in the forest. I don't know how to get through the forest and I need to take them to my dorm."

"The forest? What are you guys doing in the forest?" He asked, then a loud sound happened and he went silent.

"Carlos?" I asked, panicking again when he didn't respond immediately. "Carlos!"

"I'm not dead, don't worry." He replied and I could tell he had a smirk on his face. "You still didn't tell me how you got into that situation. Are you that clumsy?"

I felt like slapping my boyfriend through the phone with my left hand, but I pushed that thought away.

I had to deal with this in order to get help from him. And I was willing to do so. "Well...Audrey kept most of the people in the forest, the problem is Flynn left and I don't know where to go-"

"Flynn? He's in Auradon now?"

"Um...yeah? Was he once at the Isle?"

I shifted my weight to one leg and waited for his response. "We'll talk later," Carlos said. "Right now we need to get you to safety."

A smile appeared on my face. "So, when are you coming to pick me up, babe?" Immediately my eyes widened. I knew Carlos and I were dating, but I've never called him babe before. And I could possibly think how he'd react to it-

He laughed. "I'm not picking you up. If I come there, I'll be lost too. And then we'll all die. I suggest you save yourself, baby." He teased.

I stayed silent. Is he being serious? I couldn't possibly find my way back home, could I? Everyone would end up dying and we'd need food.

"I'm joking, I'll find a way to get you, don't worry. Just stay put and calm yourself down."

A smile appeared on my face. He started talking about his discoveries and how he fought guards with Jay. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He truly did make me happy. I was stuck in a cabin with people and my little friend Everly, worst of all, we were in a forest, my friend Flynn abandoned us because of a guard...yet here I was, smiling and laughing at my boyfriend.

And then I made a discovery that I should've discovered sooner. I rather be in Auradon with my boyfriend and friends than be at the Isle with my mother. One brought me happiness, the other brought me pain.

And you didn't need to be Doug to know which brought me happiness and which didn't.

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A/N: Sorry for my horrible updating schedule! I had to drop this chapter since so many people were voting and adding this book to their libraries, etc. The love and support I'm receiving is just so amazing...I can't even believe it.

When I first started writing, I thought I'd only get 5 reads...and to know that I'm almost at 1k reads? It's a goal that I never thought I could reach.

And if I went in the past and told myself that I would have 800+ reads and only have 38 chapters, I would've called my future self a dang fool.

Thank you guys so much! I'll put much more effort into uploading and updating!

Thank you guys so much! I'll put much more effort into uploading and updating!

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Until the next,

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