Chapter 1

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It was early summer as Roman headed to the stables, the beginnings of the season's heat making itself known. The royal kept his face calm, his expression neutral disinterest in his surroundings though he remained entirely aware, moving with poise, hands tucked behind his back and shoulders pressed down. He tried to keep his gait slow, careful to not reveal his intense desire to hasten his pace. After what felt like an eternity, he slowed as he entered the stables. They were empty besides a young boy, Liam, one of the stable hands. The boy turned his head from the washbucket and met eyes with Roman. He gasped silently and dropped into a deep bow, removing his soapy and dripping arms from the washbucket, lowering his eyes to the ground before looking back up, but not daring to move his head. Roman nodded at him, acknowledging the courtesy. Liam slowly stood, his hands still wet.

"Can I help you Prince Roman?" He asked, his words rounded, not sharpen by the royal court as Roman's were in his response.

"I am capable of myself, Liam. Thank you." Roman asserted with a small smile.

Liam nodded, bowed again quickly, and continued washing the equipment he had been tending to prior to when Roman walked in. Roman smirked at him. The boy was cute. The Prince stalked down the stable hall, still moving with trained grace of royalty. Roman approached a stall about halfway down to the end and slowly opened the gate. He avoided the stall before it, which held a black horse, his brother's steed, upon which Roman had held a grudge against since it had bitten him in his younger days. The stall behind it was home to a white stallion, which snorted and kicked the ground gently when Roman undid the latch and opened the gate. The horse approached Roman and played with his hair. Roman laughed and pushed the horse's head away, stroking his snout gently.

"I'm happy to see you too, boy. Now let's get you ready shall we, Regem?"

Roman grabbed the reins hanging on the hook just outside the stall and swiftly put them over the Regem's head, adjusting the soft bit in the horse's mouth. He then led his horse back to where Liam was still washing, but had moved on to another piece of equipment. Roman picked up a saddle with both arms and placed it on the back of his horse before bending down and strapping it in place, checking it was properly secured.

"I am taking Regem for a ride." Roman announced as he removed his long cape, folding it nearly perfectly before sliding it into a saddle bag. The rest of his clothes were still made with silk and high quality linen, unfortunately. He would much rather prefer to wear more casual clothing when he went riding, but this was the best material he had when it came to non professional riding.

"Do you need me to come with you, your highness? Or should I fetch for your valet?" The stable boy inquired.

There was a concern in his eyes. Rightfully so. A prince was never supposed to be unattended. Despite this, both Roman and his brother had made an exceptional skill of managing to achieve their own senses of privacy. He wasn't sure what Remus spent his time doing, though. He and his brother were not particularly close, it pained him to say, though, they still cared for one another on their own way. Roman often went riding, alone, if he could. He loved being crown prince, and he was not dreading becoming King, it was what he had been waiting his whole life for, but he had to admit, the idea was still daunting, and he needed a break from time to time. As it approached his eighteenth birthday and the opportunities for suitors drew ever nearer, Roman was putting more time and effort towards escaping to the forest, enjoying every last bit of freedom.

"No thank you, Liam. I will be fine to ride alone." He answered as he checked the straps and buckles once again. Liam still looked hesitant.

"Are you sure, Prince Roman?" he asked.

"Yes, quite. Are you questioning your Prince?" Roman asked with slight sarcasm, though he was highly aware of the threat the words held, despite the tone in which they were said. Liam immediately shrunk away and shook his head, every bit as aware.

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