Chapter One: Nico PoV

Start from the beginning

Sometimes I wonder what happened to him, I couldn't remember his changed name and didn't have the heart to look for him in the underworld, so I'd never found out. I thought he must have enlisted in WW2. Now, seeing this stranger, I felt a sudden pang of sadness, remembering all I'd lost.

"Hello," I was suddenly jolted from my memories and looked back up at the red-haired woman who'd just spoken, "Do you speak English?" she continued, moving out of the doorframe and closer to me.

I carefully chose my next words, "Yes. I just revert to my native language, Italian, when I'm panicked, confused, or stressed."

After I spoke, the second person paled considerably. In a confused and soft voice, he whispered, "Nico Di Angelo?"

My eyes widened in shock, "How do you know my name?"

The man seemed even more shocked than I was, "How are you alive? How are you so young after all these years?"

Then it clicked, "Francesco?" It didn't seem possible, but if gods were real and I was still a kid, who was I to say what was impossible?

My maybe brother ran forward and tackled me with a hug. I winced, remembering how touchy-feely he used to be. I reluctantly hugged him back and was overcome with a certain rightness. I know I shouldn't trust strangers, even ones that looked eerily like my presumably dead brother. Still, when the Francesco-doppelgänger hugged me, I knew he was family.

"Ahem," The redhead and doctor-guy coughed, trying to get our attention, "What exactly is going on?" The redhead demanded.

I realized that I honestly had no idea.

"I, um, know Nico here." My brother awkwardly stumbled over his words under the assassin's glare.

"Then why did you ask how he's alive? Is he also from Hydra?"

I was baffled. Did my brother know about monsters? "No, he's, from before I got kidnapped."

The doctor stepped forward, "You have a lot of explaining to do," he turned to the assassin girl, "Let's give them a minute to figure out whatever this is."

The girl turned to glare at us, or maybe that was just her usual expression, like Reyna, "Okay, but be upstairs in the living room in five minutes."

They both left, leaving me facing my brother, about to have an incredibly awkward conversation.

Le Time Skip of literally two minutes, brought to you by Bob, the stargazer.

"So you were captured by an evil organization that turned you into a mindless assassin, Steve is Captain America, aliens exist, and you're a 'superhero.' Ok, cool." My brother stared at me in confusion, "Why didn't you know about the Avengers, and how is none of this freaking you out?"

"First, I don't watch the news. Second, my life is weird. You forget that I also haven't aged much in the past 70-80 years." I replied.

"Right, how are you alive?" he paused for a moment and then added, "Where's our sister, Bianca?"

I started to tear up at that and grew somber. We were all close growing up, more whole than half-siblings; how was I going to tell him she was dead? "She's... gone." I mumbled at a near loss for words.


"I can't talk about it," I responded. I hope my brother will think I'm saying it because I'm grieving rather than because I physically can't without fear of being smited by my uncle. Luckily, he doesn't press me much more.

Francesco, or Chess as we used to call him, continued his interrogation, "Well then, how are you alive? I've been trying to find what happened to you, mom, and," he paused, a tear slipping from his eye, "Bianca, but after you two disappeared in 1939 and mom died in the collapse, I haven't been able to find anything. So, how?

I hesitated, "I don't know. Just five years ago Bianca, and I woke up in New York." I settled on a half-truth. I didn't know the mechanics of the Lotus Casino, and Bianca and I were in New York five years ago.

My brother studied me, "You're not saying everything, are you?"

Our brother used to take care of us when we were younger. He was 12 years older than me, so he and Steve would constantly babysit. Chess could always tell when I was lying.

I cursed in ancient greek under my breath, but somehow he heard me.

"Was that... ancient greek?"

"Yes," I answered curtly, daring him to respond. I was slightly annoyed and frustrated. I know he's my brother, but I've been fending for myself for the past five years. He can't just force himself into my life. He's already in a mess of his own, and I don't need more problems.

I stand up hurriedly, "This is never going to work. I'm sorry, I can't, I've changed," I turn towards the door, "I have to go."

"Wait, Nico!"' Chess grabs my arm," I won't ask any questions, but please, I don't want to lose my family again."

I say I'll stay the night, going against my better judgment. I know if I stay around too long, they're bound to find out about my dad's side of the family, but the truth is I don't really care anymore. For the first time in years, I have a shot at a semi-normal and mortal (ish) family.

"Ok, so I'll stay the night if the rest of your team agrees, but first, I have to tell my boyfriend." I drop in a mention of Will to see how he reacts. When he doesn't say anything, I assume he's okay with my sexuality and breathe a sigh of relief.

I quickly call Will with the monster-proof phones Valdez made us, updating him on my current situation. He's hurt that I didn't tell him I had a brother but understands.

"Where do you normally stay, Fratellino?" my brother inquires.

"I live at this boarding school/summer camp in Long Island. They've kind of adopted me. I'm taken care of, don't worry." It's a good thing my jacket covers my scars. I know the doctor-guy probably saw them, so that could be problematic.

Suddenly, a voice starts coming out of the ceiling. "You are needed in the living room."

"Thank you!" my brother turns to me, "It's time you met the Avengers."

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