Day off

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Lilliana's voice

I woke up at 10 this morning to give myself plenty of time to get up and ready for work, but as usual on my period, I'm in agony. My friends all get cramps but I am debilitated by my periods and sometimes randomly throughout the month. Today just happens to be one of those days and the only way I know to get through it is to sleep. No way can I make it in to work today. My friends and family have all told me that I need to see a gynaecologist and I have. Three to be exact and all of them told me it was nothing and I was overreacting. Maybe I am? I don't know.

I decide to call Derek and let him know I need a sick day. I pick my phone up off the night stand and find his contact to dial. It rings six times and then he answers "Hello Liliana, is everything ok?"

I bite my lip, nervous and embarrassed for already asking for time off. "Hi Derek, im actually not doing so good today. You see, I-" was all I could say before he cut me off.

"Please Liliana, don't worry. We aren't busy, Becky can just stay on longer. You rest. Do you want me to bring you a pain au chocolat or coffee or anything? I just made some fresh cookies" he replied, making me kinda crave a warm pain au chocolate, but not wanting him to trek all this way.

"Thank you so much Derek but I think I'll just rest up." I said, trying to hold back the vocal reaction my body wanted to have to my pain.

"Ok, take care. I'm here if you need me." He said and hung up. How sweet of him.

I started to build up the energy to go to the toilet, I crawled there and sat on the toilet while I used mouthwash not having the energy to brush my teeth, doubling over to try and ease the pain.

Once I washed my hands, I crawled back to bed and heard a knock on the door. "Come in?" I almost asked.

The door opened and an empathetic looking Clara came into view. "Hey Lil, I got my period today and thought you might have too and be in agony today, do you need anything?" And with that I started to cry. Why? Because I'm fed up with the endless cycle that my body goes through of being in this much pain. Clara understood and came over to hug me and I laid on the bed in a ball. I soon drifted off to sleep.

Nick's Voice

I just pulled up outside the café, excited to see my flower. It was 11:14, I was just on time, as always. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I got out of the car and walked in. Although that smile immediately faded when I saw no sign of my precious Liliana. I waited for the man in front to order and pay for his hot chocolate and then came face to face with the Becky that Liliana told me about yesterday. Where is she?

I checked my watch to see it was 11:16, was she just late? "Hello sir, can I help you at all?" The question pulled me back into reality.

"Where is Liliana?" I demanded, not bothering to answer her question or say hello. She gulped and blushed, clearly nervous about her answer.

Looking down at her hands, she answered "she's not feeling well today, but I will happily take care of you" as she slowly looked back up to me, I felt my jaw tighten.

"I want to fucking speak to Derek" I declared, she nodded and scurried away to the back then came back with Derek.

He smiled at me, "hello again sir, I hear you've been asking about Lili" he smiled which angered me. He shouldn't be calling her that.

Starting to loose my temper I replied, "where the hell can I find Liliana? We were supposed to meet here and discuss some matters" I lied, but I want to check up on her. Make sure she is comfortable. I don't like the idea of her being sick.

"I'm very sorry sir, I can't give you her address but-" I didn't give him the satisfaction of anything but the answer I wanted. Her address.

"You are testing my fucking patience Derek, not something you want to do" I said with my joker smile. I noted that most of the people in the café were now staring at the scene I was causing, but my babygirl is sick.

He stepped back and nodded "give me two seconds Sir, I'll go find it" he said. Even people who don't know to be scared of me, are scared of me. It's an aura thing I suppose, although Liliana doesn't seem to have noticed it interestingly enough. Moments later, he came back with a piece of paper. "Here you are, as you wished" he said handing me the paper.

I looked down at it and smiled, I'm coming babygirl. Don't worry. She'll want some treats, I'm sure, "I'll take a vanilla latte and a warm pain au chocolate and a double espresso" I ordered.

He looked up at me and nodded as he took my order. "That'll be £8.67 please then sir" he said smiling with a hint of worry.

I smiled back, as normally as possible and handed him a £20 note. "Keep the change Derek" I said lowly. He nodded and thanked me under his breath and gave me my order.

I quickly walked out and got in my car giving my car the address so it could lead me to my poor baby. Images flashed in my head of her looking pale while she slept and I sped up, surpassing any speed limit.

Within 5 minutes, I arrived. It wasn't the nicest neighbourhood, but it's safer than my cottage so I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I got out with the coffees and her treat and knocked on the door. I waited around 15 seconds and a girl opened the door. I looked her up and down as she did the same.

Eyeing me she said "can I help you?" With sass. Oh little girl, if only you knew what I'm capable of.

"I'm a friend of Lilliana's" I replied and her facial expression changed into an empathetic smile which worried me. "Is she that bad?" I asked.

The girl just looked down and said "come in" to which I complied. "I'm clara by the way" she continued.

"Nick" I replied.

"Right this way. I think she's sleeping, but she hasn't eaten today, so this will be nice for her. Thank you" she said as we came to a door which I assumed is my darling flowers room and she walked off. How my stomach churned knowing she wasn't well enough to eat.

I knocked on the door.

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