Liliana's first day

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Lilianas voice

Opening my eyes to the sound of my flatmate arguing with her girlfriend isn't exactly what I had hoped for on my first day at work. Granted it's only a café job, but I take pride in what I do.... and I need to pay my bills. Moments later my real alarm goes off and I know it's time to get up and shower.

Stepping into the steamy shower I think about the worries I have facing the day and let the hot water flush it away as I shampoo my hair. Drying off mindlessly as I look at the all black outfit all employees must wear laying out on my bed more ready for the day than I am myself.

Having brushed my teeth and put a light layer of make up on, I let my hair air dry as I get dressed and grab my keys and phone. Checking my notifications as I slowly walk out of my room I see that some country is at war with itself again and that there is even more injustice in the world than there was yesterday. As my attention drifts to a text from my mum, Lilah bumps into me almost making me fall. Delilah is a friend of mine but more importantly she is Clara's girlfriend. Or was....

"Shit, lili! I'm so sorry. That girl has pissed me right off. Are you ok? I didn't even see you" she huffs and tries to smile at me but it looks more like a wince.

I nod, rubbing my arm. "It's no problem Lilah, I heard you guys having a disagreement earlier. Is everything alright?" I ask curious to know if she will stop coming over and raiding our fridge as she always does. I love her really but I didn't realise I would end up almost living with her when Clara and I moved in together.

"Everything will be fine.... When she starts to trust me again after I did NOTHING" she shouts and storms out. As she does I hear rustling in Claras room. Nervous of being late I text Clara to make sure she is ok as I grab an apple to go.

Liliana: Hey Clara, is everything ok?

A few minutes later my phone buzzes and draws my attention away from my Apple.

Clara: Hey L, I'm so sorry if we woke you. Good luck today. You'll smash it!
I'm fine but I'm not sure Lilah will be back any time soon. Will explain later. Love u x

Liliana: no problem! Can't wait for tonight ☺️

Lilah and Clara are often fighting and they make up again after a few days. It's just an excuse for Clara and I to open up a bottle of wine and bitch about people and our days. I rather like it. Our tradition.

I gulp as the café comes into view and smile. My mum always says a fake smile leads to a real one. So here goes nothing. Oh.... mum! Her text! I quickly look through her message

Mum: good luck today my darling x

I sigh, relieved that everything is ok. I miss her.

Liliana: thanks mum. I love you x

Mum: I love you too x

I put my phone in my white tote bag and open the door as I smile at the manager who hired me. His name tag reads Derek. Lucky me. I had forgotten his name!

"Liliana, hi!" He smiles wide and walks towards me.

"Hi Derek. It's lovely to see you again. Thanks for this opportunity" I smile shyly.

"My pleasure. Right. Let's get you set up and ready then shall we?" He leads me to the break room and shows me round. Introducing me to the team. It's all about the perfect cup of coffee today.

I spend an hour trying to prefect my coffee making and Derek is very calm and easy going which helps take the stress down a notch. Once I make the perfect latte, hot chocolate and flat white he tells me I should wait on the tables. It's "rush hour" with 5 tables of the place filled up and 3 people waiting in line for an order, I just slow them down so I clean up some dirty tables and take some orders.

The rest of my shift is the same, but with fewer people so Derek and I chat and he teaches me how to create foam art which I am surprisingly good at. He lets me leave early because it's my first day.

"Why don't you go home. You've done well today. Don't expect this everyday though" he winks and I smile at him in response.

"Thank you. I've really enjoyed today. Is it always like this?" I ask as I fold my apron up neatly.

"Pretty much yeah, unless there's some nerd convention and then we get a lot of strange people in here." He laughs and I can't help but giggle and bite my lip.

"Any fun plans tonight?" He asks staring at me with his bright blue eyes.

"No not really, my flatmate and her girlfriend are in a fight so I'll be hearing about that I think. What about you?" I say trying to better understand the man who will be my manager for the next year.

"Oh I'll probably watch the football. Chelsea are playing so it's gotta be watched" he laughs and I nod not being a football buff I have nothing else to add.

"Thanks for today" I say as I put my cardigan on and pick up my bag.

"No problem. I'll look forward to tomorrow." He says smiling widely.

I leave the café and breathe in a deep breath of fresh air. My first day, done. The sun is starting to set and I walk home in the golden glow content with myself and the day.

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. I hope you like it. Drop me any comments! X

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