The Weasley twins organized another little party in Gryffindor common room, but I didn't stay there so much.

"Goodnight, guys, see you tomorrow" I said smiling, even if anxiety was beginning to make itself felt more and more in my stomach. I tried not to think about it, and, fortunately, I could fall asleep very soon.

The next morning, I woke up before anyone else, I dressed up, I took everything I would need for my exams, and I exited the common room crossing the painting.

I had breakfast, and in the meantime, I tried to relax, and tell myself that everything was going to be fine. I would have eights exams in a day.

The first one was potion. Professor Snape would have waited me in the potion class in the dungeons.

Harry arrived in the Great Hall right after me, he ate quickly, and when it was time, we both exited the room: professor McGonagall asked him if he could come with me in every exam to be a witness. 

"Anything to let you stay here" he said when we found out he had to stay with me the entire day.

We went to the dungeons. As we passed the corner, I saw Draco standing in the middle of the corridor, as he was waiting someone.

"Hannah" I stopped

"Draco" I said, we didn't talk since March, and it was quite embarrassing.

"I'll go check if Professor Snape has already arrived" Harry said, I nodded, hinting a smile.

"Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to wish you luck for your exams" he said shrugging

"And how do you know my exams are today?" I asked

He didn't reply, he just looked at Harry, who was waiting outside the door. I sighed. Harry told him about my exams. Why? He hated him. "Of course" I said

"Just, pass these exams, please." Did he want me to stay? Why? I didn't reply at first, and he continued. "I just want you to stay here" he said. He looked sad and scared.

"Yeah, me too. Thanks. I, um, I have to go. Bye Draco"

"Bye Hannah". I turned around, and I went to Harry. I didn't want to look back, but if I have done it, I would have seen he was still standing here, looking at me.

"we have to talk later, you and I" I said to Harry smiling. He smiled back, and at the same time Snape arrived.

We started immediately the exams. I had to prepare the Amortentia potion. I tried to focus, without thinking about Draco, but it was hard to do it as I continued smelling his cologne from the potion.

The potions didn't take too long, and I succeeded at first try. Harry, knowing I did it perfectly, smiled behind Snape, who had to admit it was "Well done", which was hard for him confessing that a Gryffindor did a good job.

The next exam was arithmancy with professor Vector. She asked me some questions I was able to answer, and I was quite proud of myself. She congratulated me and wished me luck for the other exams.

We exited the room and we were headed to transfiguration class.

"If you keep going like this, I admit Hermione will have a contender" said Harry joking.

I smiled "I could never be as good as her" I laughed.

The day passed quickly. After transfiguration exam, I have had defence against darks arts (which turned to be hard, because of Umbridge. But I managed to do a good job), charms with professor Flitwick, apparition with professor Twycross, herbology with professor Sprout, and care of magical creature with Hagrid, who helped me a lot.

While Harry and I were going back to the castle, we were talking about the exams.

"You did amazing Hannah. You'll stay with us. I'm sure of it" he said excited.

"please don't speak too soon. Besides I have to study for the O.W.L's exams, and I don't want to" I said laughing.

I knew everything went well, but I wanted to know first the results. Professor McGonagall told me I would have had the exam results in a week, and I couldn't wait.

It was already dinner time, Harry went to eat something, as I went to Gryffindor common room to leave behind all the books in the dormitory.

I immediately exited the common room towards the Great Hall. There was nobody in the corridors, probably they were all eating.

"I hope they went well. You know, the exams" I jumped a little in fright, I didn't expect that, but I knew who was talking. I turned around and I saw Draco standing in front of me

"yeah, everything went well, I guess" I said embarrassed

He nodded "Good" I nodded back, not knowing what to say.

"I should probably go to my friends, you know, they are waiting for me" he nodded

"yeah sure" I turned around and I continued walking, even if I could feel his gaze on me. I smiled at the thought.

Always YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ