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Hi Guys!!
I'm so sorry I haven't updated for almost 3 weeks now. My phone got broken; not literally broken, just had some problem and was sent to the repair shop. It is the only phone that I use in writing wattpad and also has most of my important files and so I had it repaired. I had it repaired for 1 week, it was sent in the repair shop 4 days after I last updated so I haven't really updated anything, that's why.

While it was repaired, I had a chance to rest my eyes from reading and writing and I also had time watching reruns of Ohm and Fluke's vlog specially Fluke with James in poopheuntood channel, it always makes me laugh😆 and also reruns of OffGun Fun Night and OffGun Mommy Taste, Friends Drive or Friends Khub and TayNew Meal Date and I also had time to watch latest episodes/updates of Arm Share, Tred Tray Fest with Tay Tawan (together with Krist) and Krahai Lao.
   This are the shows or videos that always makes my day, it always makes me happy everytime that's why when there's no updates I watch rerun specially with the very funny episode hehe.

I rested my eyes in reading and writing but not with watching yt😅😂

I also wanna inform you that I updated my reading list, you can visit it and see,maybe you may like some of the stories I've read and you can read it also.

I'm really really sorry for not updating, I will not promise anything this week (I'm currently busy with things and all)  but I will try my best to update.

Thank you !! And Have A Nice Day !! 🤗💕❤💕

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