Jimin felt a bit sad. And stood up to exit.

Yoongi sighed and felt worse, he didn't mean to be rude to him. He is never rude to Jimin knowing that how soft he is. So, he goes to his room.

Knocks on his door and as soon as Jimin opens the door he hugs him.

"I'm sorry Jimine, I didn't mean to hurt you." He breaks the hug and looks at his face. Jimin is smiling, looking at his sweet Hyung coming back.

"It's ok Hyung. You were right. I shouldn't interfere in your matters. I'm just a.."

"You are my brother, you can interfere, you can tell me anything you want. Don't worry."

Jimin smiles and nods.

"Goodnight, sleep well my mini." He ruffles his hair and goes back to his room.

Meanwhile, Annastasia is unaware of how she nearly became the reason for the two brothers' fight. Her hand is no close to being better. It will take couple more days. But her will was still there, hanging from the edge of the cliff. Another blow and it will fall deep.

Annastasia tried to sleep, knowing that her Boss will be in her room, any moment. And then he was, entering at the same time.

She immediately woke up seeing the monster in her room. He walked straight towards her bed and sat on the edge.

"I have brought something for you. Want to see?" Suga was acting like he is speaking to his little toy or a small kitten.

Even though she had no interest she had to agree, "Y-yes." She replied like a scardy cat.

Suga took out a whip.

Annastasia's eyeballs popped out looking at it. And she knew she's going to die today. This man is a psycho. He wants to kill me and I don't even know why.

"Do you know what this is used for?"

She nods, it was more of shivering.

"Good girl, Do you know what I'll do with this?"

She nods again and raises her moist eyes to look at him.

"Uh uh! I said no tears. Come stand in front of me."

Her fear came back to her, "Sir, please, I beg you, I didn't do anything this time."

"I had asked you to stay away from men! And you were there in Jungkook's cabin hugging him!!" He yelled.

"Sir, I swear, Mr.Jungkook was the one who called me for work. " She protested.

"Stand here! I don't have time for your lies. "

"I'm not lying, sir. Pleas.."

"I said stand here. Or else.." he warned.

She did as asked. Annastasia stood in front of him facing her back.

And then in a second.

A strong force fell.

She didn't cry or shout because if she did, the whips would increase. Her whole body was shivering with the pain. And then another one came.


Right then and there she fell on the ground. And he as usual went back to his room with no emotions.

As soon as Suga was out, Jimin came from the side room and entered Annastasia's room locking the door. He was waiting for an opportunity to talk to her, but he hid when he saw his brother.

As soon as Jimin entered, he was shocked, " Annastasia!!!"

Jimin picked her body lying on the floor, crying, and lay her on the bed to which she sat immediately because her back was burning.

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