Chapter 22

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Xiao Huai's illness came very suddenly. When Ji Zeyu rushed to his room, there was already a staff member ready to take him to the hospital.

Xiao Huai looked at his teammates guiltily. The next second, he cast his gaze on Ji Zeyu. The charming dark brown eyes seemed to lose their luster at this moment, leaving only sadness.

"I'm sorry, I worried you." Xiao Huai said with his eyes down. His voice was obviously hoarse, which made people feel distressed.

"Don't say this, go to the hospital," Ji Zeyu said with a slight frown.

Xiao Huai walked out of the room accompanied by the staff. Ji Zeyu thought for a while and asked the staff: "Can I go to the hospital with you?"

The staff was stunned, hesitated for a moment and then nodded and said: "Well, it's okay to have one more person with him."

Xiao Huai saw that Ji Zeyu was going to accompany him to the hospital. He was stunned for a few seconds. Then he said to Ji Zeyu anxiously: "Don't accompany me. You have to continue rehearsing. The performance will be tomorrow..."

Ji Zeyu looked at him calmly and firmly: "You should cure the disease first, and don't worry about other things."

After the group left, the news that Xiao Huai had a high fever quickly spread throughout the program. He is a highly popular player and is in a group with Ji Zeyu. Everyone is looking forward to their performance.

Now that Xiao Huai is sick all his life, almost everyone thinks that the odds of singing and composing Group B are much smaller.

After Lu Nanyun heard the news, he put down his breakfast and frowned. He asked Man Taki, "Which hospital did they go to?"

"It seems to be the city center hospital." Wan Taki said. He was obviously worried about the former captain. "Brother Nan, do you think Xiao Ji is very unlucky? Even if Xiao Huai is weak, he will lose the chain when it is critical, I guess. He should be anxious now..."

Hearing what Wan Long said, Lu Nanyun fell into a long silence.

Inside the hospital.

According to the procedure, Xiao Huai went to see a doctor smoothly within half an hour, lying on the hospital bed to get a drip. Because I was sweating, I didn't have time to eat in the morning, so my thin lips looked a little pale. If fans saw him like this, they would cry with distress.

Ji Zeyu walked into the ward, took out some pastries and milk from the bag, and handed them to Xiao Huai: "These are the ones you gave me last time. I didn't finish them. I happened to take them with them. You can eat some first."

Xiao Huai nodded and was about to take the pastry. He suddenly retracted his hand and said in a dumb voice, "I don't like this taste very much. Can I change the taste?"

"No, but you have to eat it now." Ji Zeyu unpacked the package directly, took out the pastry inside, and handed it to Xiao Huai's mouth, "When you get better, you will eat something else."

Xiao Huai's eyes stared at Ji Zeyu for a while, then he laughed suddenly, opened his mouth openly and took a bite of the pastry, and found that the taste was actually not that annoying.

Ji Zeyu looked at him and said, "You take it, don't you want me to keep feeding you?"

Xiao Huai bulged his cheeks and said pitifully: "I had an injection in my right hand, it hurts too much." After speaking, he looked at Ji Zeyu with aggrieved expression.

"...Okay." Ji Zeyu had no choice but to sit by the bed, feeding him a mouthful of pastries and milk.

After eating breakfast, Xiao Huai's complexion improved and his body felt better. He watched Ji Zeyu pack up the snack bags and curled his lips: "Thank you for staying with me. I was most afraid of injections."

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