" Jungkook could you take out a towel from that drawer, in case she does wear a dress, at least you can learn in peace. " I pointed to one of the drawers.

I wore my gloves before telling him more things to me mindful of when tattooing the customers, he nodded along the way until a knock was heard and was soon opened revealing RM and the lady.

" hi, hope you don't mind, he will be here to assist me. " I told her before she sat down on the chair.

" ah, no worries, I don't mind. " I smiled a little before preparing the equipment.

I looked at her attire and was relief she didn't wear a shirt. I looked at Jungkook and surprisingly he was also looking at me, he gave me the ' she didn't wear dress' look making me grin.

" Just reminding that, if you betray the tattoo or the person you were thinking of related to this tattoo, the tattoo will disappear. " she nodded.

" okay good, please lie down on the bed and make sure to lift your shirt a little, you don't have to remove your shirt don't worry." she nodded again.

Throughout the entire tattoo session, Jungkook was learning and listening well. He knew what he's suppose to do and what he's not suppose to do.

" okay, it's done. Here's a mirror for you. Also make sure not to do any vigorous exercises to strain that area and take care of it. You don't want to get it infected. " she nodded and took the mirror from me, smiled upon looking at the tattoo.

" thank you so much " she said and went to the counter to pay.

Now it's just me and him. Just great.

I immediately ignored his presence, taking my own sweet time to sanitize the equipment.

" I, um, thank you for teaching me so many things today. " I simply nodded without looking at him.

" Hyun " he called me out but I just let out a 'hmm' without looking at him, which made him annoyed.

" Can't you just look at me when I'm talking to you? " he raised his voice a little. I still didn't give him the attention he wanted, ignoring him operation still going on.

" Kim Hyun. " this time I looked at him, glare at him.

" Don't call me that. " I turned around again to do my own things. 

" why? Don't like your surname? " he continued to provoke me.

" Just because your dad went jail because of that. Doesn't mean I went in the same way! I went jail, doesn't mean I did something bad! " he raised his voice clearing showing that he was upset with the cold treatment. 

Hyun: you've made the wrong move Jeon Jungkook.

" SHUT UP! Who are you to say such things? You simply heard this from my brother and you think you can use this against me? Fat hope. Can't you just leave this matter behind? You knew what I've went through! " I shouted the last sentence. Taking a breath before continuing. 

" You knew what I went through. Don't you dare use my own weakness. Don't you dare bring up my past. Because it just states how low you are. " I glared at him and stormed out the room making sure to bump against his shoulders along the way.

" sis " RM called out to me as I was about to storm out the store.

" Leave me alone " I glared at him before leaving angrily.

Hyun: I can't believe he told jungkook everything. His a stranger for god sakes. He only know him for what? 3 days? What on earth is he even thinking?! 

_-Jungkook's POV-_

"Jeon Jungkook " someone called out my name and in that moment I knew I'm in deep sh*t.

" You know, I tell you all these is not so you can use such filthy method to talk her down! I told you and thought that maybe you could be more empathizing and care for her more. I am very  disappointed in you. I expected you more than this. " he turned around walking away.

That sight was so sad, he just got his trust. But now his disappointed in him.

jk: ahh f*ck.. Why did I even said those words to her. Urgh.. Jungkook what were you even thinking? You idiot. Even though you wanted to confront her and tell her the truth, but still why did you even say those mean things to her.

" Ah sh*t Jungkook, you f*cking messed up. " I messed my hair in frustration before running out of the store to chase after Hyun. Hopefully, she didn't go far.

_-Jimin's POV-_

Yes if you're wondering Park Jimin. What were you doing hiding in your room for so long. Well, that's because I won't do anything to fix that situation.

Yes, I'm hiding in the room like a coward. But here's where you're wrong guys.

I'm eavesdropping on them. The walls are thin who on earth couldn't hear them?

Yeah, Jungkook f*cked up big time by bringing back the past. So let's hope I did the right thing by staying in this room. 

Firstly, I'm not a coward.

Secondly, I didn't want to get hit by Hyun. She's scary but still I love her as my sister.

Thirdly, I'm trying to match-make them two so I won't cut in.

It's Tae's fault he asked me to do nothing ugh. Since when do I even listen to him. I'm older than him now that I think about it. 

Criminal Record (Jungkook ff)-✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora