"Potter, if you don't stop I'm going to kiss you on the mouth right here."

"I'll take a rain check. I just can't get enough of you."

Meanwhile from the front windows of The Manor, they were being watched.

"Come on, they have to be dating!", Blaise argued.

"They're not, Harry would've told me. He said he isn't ready for a boyfriend right now, so I really don't think we should push him or else we could damage their relationship. That's the only reason why I'm telling you what he said. Harry is still healing and if anyone ruins that I'll fight you myself", Neville warned.

"Protective Neville is even hotter", Blaise swooned.

"What do you think Luna?", Ginny asked.

"It's obvious they like each other, but if they want to tell us they will when they're ready. I agree with Neville, forcing them isn't going to make things better. They need each other, we can't break them apart because we want them together."

"Shh here they come!", Pansy hissed.

When Draco opened the door, there was a chorus of happy birthday Harry's with a few happy birthday Potter's spread in. Harry couldn't have faked the smile on his face if he tried.

"Thank you all, really."

"Hello Harry", Luna greeted. "Draco taught all of us the communication spells so you don't need to worry about talking if you're not comfortable."

The grin Harry bestowed upon Draco made him weak in the knees. When Harry pulled him into a hug, Draco hid his blushing face into Harry's shoulder.

Harry then went around the room hugging everyone.

"I hope you know how to party Potter. Ginny has been telling us stories", Pansy said with a laugh.

"Harry. Call me Harry."

"Pansy", she agreed, pulling him in for a hug.

"Thanks for the clothes", he whispered into her ear.

"I'm glad you like them. There's more where that came from."

As he continued making his rounds, Fred and George pulled him aside.

"Neville told us Ron and Hermione might not be coming back for your dinner", George said.

"It's no-"

"It is a big deal", Fred chimed.

"To everyone except for you", George finished.

"We know it bothers you."

"It bothers us too", George agreed.

"Mum will be in touch."

"Bring Malfoy", they chorused.

"What have I done?", Harry mused to himself.

"Draco! Escort loverboy into the ballroom so he can see my-our, handiwork!"

"Loverboy", Draco snickered, offering his arm out for Harry.

"What does she say about me when I'm gone?"

"Good things mostly. The rest is how i need to bed you before someone else beats me to it."

"Merlin", Harry said quietly as he took in the sight before him.

The room was tastefully decorated in shades of silver and gold.

"Red and green are a disgusting color combination", Pansy stated, wrinkling her nose.

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