Chapter 11: Don't Lose, Gohan! Beat Bojack!

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Bojack Unbound

Chapter 11: Don't Lose, Gohan! Beat Bojack!

A red light was present to me, though my eyes were closed.  I can feel wind blowing at my skin and hair.  My fingers began twitching.

"Please, Tania... You're gonna be alright. I just need you to open your eyes." I hear a voice.

My eyes began to twitch as well.

"Yeah! That's it! You can do it!"

Finally I gained enough strength to reopen my eyes. In my blurred vision, there was someone looking down at me with worry-filled eyes. As my vision began to return to normal, I recognized those pair of eyes to be Gohan's.

"Huh? Uh... Gohan?" I rub my eyes to see him clearly. He was on his knees. Gohan then used his right arm to help me sit up right.

My body felt like it got hit by an entire planet itself.

"What happened to me and where are we?" I look around.

"It looks like we're in a run-down old city or something. As for your first question, Bojack and his goons knocked you unconscious. Do you remember anything?" The hybrid asks.

"Yeah." I nod. "Clear as day."


"You know, Zangya would just love to have you as a punching bag. Maybe I should make you my slave." Bojack says to me as he held me up by my hair.

"Like I said to Bido... I'D RATHER BE DEAD!" I refuse.

"Stupid girl." Bojack then throws me away from him. "THEN DIE!"

A large ki blast shot out from his hands. The attack hit me head on. A swirl of darkness then covered my vision.


"That's all I can remember." I tell Gohan.

Before he could say a word, I took note of the injuries Gohan's body showed. The red light that was emanating from my necklace gave a clear signal about the danger Gohan was in.

"Oh no! What happened, Gohan?!"

He rubbed his head. "I kinda got beaten up by Bojack's crew."

"Why didn't you go super saiyan?" I question him as I observed him being in his base form.

"I did but...." Gohan pauses. He then looked away from me.

"They didn't really knock you out of it, did they?"

"They did."

A feeling of great tenderness entered me upon seeing the hopeless look on his face.

"Oh Gohan!" I exclaim, proceeding to wrap my arms around his neck.

"I-I'm f-fine." The boy flails his arms around.

I hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry!"

"Come on, T-Tania. Y-You don't have to w-worry about m-me."

"I'm here for you." I say.

Calming down, Gohan dropped his arms then slowly embraced me.

"Thank you." He replies.

I hugged him just for a little more before letting ChiChi's son go.

I saw Gohan looking ahead of him. I turned my head to see our friends stacked onto eachother unconscious.

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