"You want me to meet your sister?"

"Of course. And I would love to get to have you all to myself far away from this place." The blonde let out a giggle. I wanted to kiss her so badly right now, but instead I took another sip of my cappuccino. "Would you like to go?"

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." I nodded my head, "I would be honored to go with you."

"Good. Because I can't wait."

My phone rang. I felt like the elevator had missed a floor and Diane must have felt the same when she read 'Mom' on my phone screen. Diane took a sip of her coffee and stared at me, probably waiting for me to do something about it.

"Mom?" I replied on the phone.

"Hey!" My mom replied on the other end of the line. She sounded happy, she sounded bubbly and excited for some reason, "You're on your way home?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, "Uh, no, not yet. Miss Williams is helping me with an assignment, we're in the library right now... I shouldn't be speaking on the phone. Why? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, perfectly fine. I... Nina... she convinced me to go out tonight with her... we're going to a bar!" She said excitedly. I didn't know she was still friends with Allie's mom. "I just wanted to make sure you didn't mind being left alone for tonight. Nicky has a lot of school work so she won't be able to keep you company. I promise I'll be back before 1am."

"You're asking for my permission?" I almost laughed out loud.

"Yeah, well... You have a broken arm, you're a minor..."

"Not a minor. Eighteen!" I interrupted.

"...I don't want to leave you home alone at night if you're not comfortable with it."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, I'll be fine. What hour are you leaving?"

"I guess around seven or so. Will you be home by then?"

"Yeah definitely."

"Good. Love you honey."

"You too. Bye." I ended the call and let out a breath of relief, "She's going out tonight and wanted to make sure I was okay with that..."

"Thank God. You could have said some other lie, though." Diane shrugged her shoulders, "No need to make it even more obvious that you have a crush on me."

"Oh, I have more than just a crush." I winked at her and stared at her lovely eyes until the waiter interrupted us with the check.

Diane, as always, paid.

I licked my lips, "You could come over tonight. Mom will leave around seven, so you can come over and stay with me for a while." I suggested.

My teacher raised an eyebrow at me, "You're scared of being home alone?"

"No, I just want some company. Your company." I said with a small smile, "We could watch a movie in my room, snuggle a bit, order pizza."

"That sounds like a date."

I bit my lip, "Oh and you could bring some gummy bears."

"Are you asking me on a movie night date?" My lovely girlfriend asked, making me blush even harder when she put it like that.

"Or we can order sushi." I said, avoiding her.

"Lou." She said firmly, like in the classroom, like when she wanted me to admit something.

"Fine, yes. A date." I smiled spontaneously, "We haven't had one of those in a while."

"We are in one of them right now." She teased and let out a little laugh.

The older woman stared at my face. I could see her eyes traveling throughout all my features; From my cheeks, up to my hairline and then back to my lips and down to my neck, and again up to my eyes. I loved it when she stared at me as if I was a painting and she was pleased to have something to watch.

"Nice, two dates in a day." I smiled, "Imagine what it will be living together."

Fuck. 'Living together'... I fucked up. Would we last that long, though? Would she like to live with me in the future? Will we even survive the next years until i'm out of high school?! What the hell was I thinking?!

"Shit, sorry." I said.

Diane shook her head, "Don't be. I... I often think of those scenarios as well."

"Okay good. I didn't- My intention wasn't to push you into anything or assume anything. Just a thought."

"It's alright." She grabbed my hand across the table and squeezed it.

"What kind of scenarios do you think of?" I asked her, tilting my head to the side.

"Oh, so many. All kinds. Funny ones, some upsetting, happy scenarios... romantic! Ah, sexy scenarios, too."

"Sexy scenarios?!" I whispered-yelled.

Diane rolled her eyes, "You don't think about me doing sexy things? Because I do."

"Now that's interesting! And I do think of you sexy-wise. All the time, specially when you're wearing a black bra underneath a white top...."I giggled, "...and other things."

"I'm so happy to have you." She said in a low voice.

Soon we were out of the cafe and on our way to my house, where she dropped me off and went back to her own house to get ready for our clandestine date.

Madame Williams ( teacherxstudent )Where stories live. Discover now