Chapter 13

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I didn't listen much to the speech. I was uninterested in the whole thing to be honest. I was there but not really. I looked over at Eric, he was stern faced. He looked down at me and gave me a smirk then turned back. I then looked at Four, he was chewing his bottom lip. He then looked down at me and gave me a small smile.

— After the results —

We were back at the apartment, Eric was sat on one side of the sofa, I was on the other. My legs laying across his. My hands on my stomach.
"Eric?" He looks over at me,
"Do you think we should tell Four, like if we take us further?" I looked up at him.
"Let's see where this goes first. But yeah I think we should. He is the babies father after all." I smile and nod.
"I'm going to bed. Do you want to join me or I can take take the sofa?" He laughs breathy. "I'm good to sleep in bed with you. But you definitely aren't taking the sofa." I smiled.

                             -few hours later-
All I did was stare at the ceiling. For hours. Eric was next to me snoring soundly. All thoughts start buzzing through my head. My main thought, what will Four do when he find out? Should I move out? Should Eric move with me? This baby is going to be here in a few months and I'm not ready.

I finally closed my eyes.

Pain struck my body. I felt sick. I jolted up as fast as I could holding my stomach. I groaned. I looked down and there was blood on the white sheets. I looked to my left and Eric laid next to me soundly asleep. I started shaking him sobbing. "Eric." Shake "Eric I'm bleeding." Eric wakes up. "Tris oh my god, okay I... let's get to the infirmary." I start to move out of bed. I felt dizzy, Eric rushes to my side and then...

I shoot up, grabbing my stomach. Breathing heavy. I start to move out of bed. Eric grabs onto my arm, "what's wrong? Are you okay? Is it the baby?" I look round to him, "I'm fine just a nightmare. I'm just going to get some water." I stand and a sharp pain runs up my body. I sit back down. Eric sits up, staring at me concerned. "Come on we are going to get you checked out." I look at him, "I'm fine don't worry." He rolls his eyes. "Humour me, let's get you checked out just incase." He moves over to in front of me holding his hands to me. "Can you call four? I think he should be there." He nods his head.

We got to the infirmary in 10 minutes. Four was sitting on the red plastic chairs in the waiting room. He must have been in the control room. He spots us and rushes over, "what happened? Are you okay?" He grabs hold of my hand, his eyes are filled with worry. "I had a little pain, it could just be the baby kicking. There was a tiny bit of blood." I hadn't mentioned this to Eric. I didn't want him to worry. He looks down at me, his eyes flash with concern and anger. "Why didn't you say that?!" I look away, walked towards the receptionist. I gave her my details and told her what was going on.

"Tris you need to start taking things a bit slowly from now on. The amount of stress you are putting on yourself will harm the baby." The doctor say. I roll my eyes. Four was standing next to the bed nodding along to the doctor, "I'm fine, I don't need this fuss. I only came cause Eric thought it would be better to get checked out." Four sighs, the doctor turns to four, "well Eric, you did the right thing." He goes to shake fours hand. Four grunts, "I'm not Eric." The doctor pulls his hand back quickly. "Eric is my roommate, it's very complicated." The doctor nods. "Well anyways, take it easy. Maybe think about taking time off. I don't want to be seeing you in her anytime soon miss prior." I nod.

By the time we were discharged from the infirmary, it was 7am and I was starving. "I'm going to the canteen to grab some food, would you like to join me?" Eric nods, four gives me a wide eyed look. "Umm, yeah sure. Are you sure? I thought you were still angry with me?" Four stammers on. I nod, "yeah I mean I'm still not happy with you but the baby is going to be here in a few months. I think I need to start letting the past go. Even a little." I run my hands over my bump.

We walk over to the canteen, it felt like all eyes were on us. Eric went straight up to grab our food. Four sat opposite me. "So what's going on with you and Eric?" I look down, how do I answer that question when I don't even know. "We are just roommates, I am looking at apartments soon for me and the baby." That seems like a solid answer...
Eric sits down next to me, placing down a plate of eggs, bacon and toast. I look over to him and give him a grin, "thank you." Four raises a brow. "Right, anyways." He stands up and walks over to get his food. "What's up with him?" I turn and face Eric. "I don't know." He nods, "so are you moving out? I didn't mean to overhear you, but I mean you said you might stay." I sigh, then smiled at him. "I haven't decided yet, we never finished that conversation." He nods his head slowly. "Right, well we should talk about it soon. Maybe later." Finally!! I nod in agreement.

Four joined us again with his plate of food and we ate in silence. After we finished we got up to leave, four taps my shoulder, "can we talk in private?" I nod, "later on, I'll meet you at the chasm?" He nods. We part ways.

When we got back to the apartment, I decided to take a nap. It had been a long night and I got some much needed sleep.

"Tris?" I felt a tap on my shoulder,
"Tris wake up," I groan, I open my eyes. Eric is kneeling next to me. "Hey, sorry to wake you but it's almost 9" I groan again. "So what, I've only slept an hour." He laughs, "no, you've slept the whole day. It's 9am... the next day." I groan once again. "Fine, I'll get up." I slowly sit up. I rub my eyes. "I think the baby's hungry," Erik laughs, "is mama hungry too." I nod. "Oh shoot, I was meant to meet Four." I huff, "where's my phone I need to message him,"

Hey, I'm so sorry I fell asleep...

Hey, it's okay. It was a long night

You still want to meet?


Chasm at 1 ?

Yes x

I put my phone down, "let's eat."


I completely forgot about this story and I think I should try and finish it. The writing isn't great but it's something. I don't really remember much about divergent now since it's been about 8 years since I read it. But I remember my love for the story.
I know people won't really read it since we are all adults now but here it is


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⏰ Última atualização: May 12 ⏰

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Eric and TrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora