Chapter 2

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"Make yourself at home." Eric says taking my suitcase into the bedroom. I looked around. His place was cleaner than I thought it would be.
"Would you like something to drink," I turn to look at him,
"No thanks, what time is it?" He looks down at his watch,
"Six." I nod.
I dig my hands into my coat pocket, my phone was no where to be found.
"Shit." Eric's head snapped at my sudden outburst.
"What?" His voice was low, he sounded almost annoyed by my presence.
"I need to go back to T-Fours." He rolls his eyes.
He handed me over a key.
"So you can get in." I give a small smile to say thank you. He nods.

I slowly walk to my old apartment. It hadn't even been an hour.
I knocked on the door. I could hear sounds behind the door.
The door crept open, a sheepish looking Tobias peeked his head around the door.
"You changed your mind?" A tear rolled down my cheek, I shook my head.
"I left my bag here, I need it." He nods opening the door fully so I could go in. The bag was exactly where I left it. I grabbed it but it fell spilling all contents onto the floor along with the pregnancy test.
"Shit." I muttered to myself.
Tobias looked down at the cardboard box.
"You're pregnant?" My eyes started to tear up again as I slowly nodded my head. I slowly went down to pick up my stuff. Tobias slumped down onto the sofa next to me.
"When did you find out? When were you going to tell me?" I look up at him, his eyes were sad.
"While I was at Christina's I took a test. I had a feeling I was for a week or so, so I bought a test. I was going to tell you today but you, you know." I looked back down.
"Come home Tris." I shook my head once more.
"I'm fine, I'm staying with a friend." He scoffs,
"Who?" His eyes lite up as if I was lying, well I kinda of was, Eric wasn't a friend he was a mean instructor.
"Not that it's any of your business, but umm Eric, he has a spare bed, he's letting me stay until an apartment frees up." Tobias rolls his eyes at me,
"Yeah okay," He scoffs,
"Yeah okay, so where's the girl gone? Did she come back for round two?" He rolls his eyes once again,
"You went to Eric, not Christina, not Uriah, not even Zeke, but Eric! Are you fucking crazy Tris or are you just plain stupid?" 

I back away walking towards the door with my bag, I felt bad but I knew I shouldn't, he cheated on me. It's not like I was sleeping with him, Eric was being friendly, he saw me at my most vulnerable. I feel Tobias' presence behind me.
"You're making a huge mistake. Eric's using you. You need me." I almost turned round to hug him.
I still love him, I want him. What it's not like I could turn my feelings off.

"Goodbye." Hopefully this is the last time.

I walk back to Eric's apartment. My chest felt heavy. I just wanted to cry. I missed feeling safe.

I unlock the door, Eric was sitting on the couch, he had paperwork all over the table and couch. He hadn't noticed me.

I give a loud sigh, he turns his head towards me. He smiles and nods at me then proceeded to turning back to his pages. I stood there for a few more seconds before a loud growl erupted from my stomach. Eric's head instantly turned to my direction,
"Hungry?" He gave me a low chuckle. I simply nod.

I move the rice around with my fork, my appetite had disappeared, I felt sick.
We had decided to go to the canteen, they were serving barbecue chicken and rice. I left before him, I didn't want people asking questions.
I was sitting next to Uriah and Christina. Tobias wasn't here.
"You don't look well Hun." Marlene stared at me, her face was riddled with concern.
"Mhmm just not hungry I guess." She nods.
"So Trissy poo, where's your man at?" Uriah nudged me.
My shoulder started to shake, my chest had that heavy feeling. I felt my cheeks becoming damp with tears.
"H-he isn't coming." Christina turned to me,
"Babe? What happened?" I shrugged her off.

I see Eric leaving,
"I'm ah gonna go." Christina shakes her head.
"No, your coming to mine. Will you don't mind right?" Will shakes his head, "of course not." I shake my head.
"I'm fine."


Hey guys

I'm going to leave it short, this is kinda a filler chapter.

So what do you think so far of the rewrite! I'm taking Eric and tris' relationship slow.

Next chapter is yet to be written but will be up in at least 2 weeks hopefully, I'll try. I have to huge assignments to do!

Don't be a pansycake 💕

Millie xxx

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