Chapter 11

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"Tris, can we talk?" Marlene looked worried,
I nodded my head, "you said it was about four and you?" I sighed. She looked down, she started fiddling with her hands. I stepped back. "Tris, I umm. Four and I we..." I looked down to the floor. Please don't say what I think... "I'm pregnant. I umm I don't know how to tell him. And umm well it might be your baby's sibling and I umm I had to tell you." I need to sit down. God four what were you thinking! She probably doesn't even know his real name. "Tris say something please." I slid down the wall. "You umm- you're pregnant..." I looked up at her. "Yeah but umm. It might not be." I stood back up, "I need to go. Sorry."

I got to the training rooms, set up for the fear landscapes. I had a group of 10. So did the rest of the trainers.
One by one each fear landscapes was completed.

I walked into the canteen, Marlene was leaning against Four. Does he know? Has she told him? My head was spinning. I walked over to the table, Marlene gave me a look. He doesn't know. I signed, I placed my hand on my stomach. "Hey four, I umm have a scan in two days I just wanted to know if you wanted to come?" He nodded his head and smiled. "Umm yeah cool, I'll send you a text later about it, Marlene can we talk please." I breathed in. She stood up and walked to the exit. I turned around to see four staring at me with his eyebrows ached.

"Tris, I... I can't tell him yet. I don't know if it's his baby Tris." I started crying.
"What? You cheated on him!" She looked down.
"Zeke came back. We talked then well I don't need to say anymore. We were in love. That's why it happened. I didn't mean for it to happen but I don't know what to do, please. You're pregnant you know what to do." I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't cheat Marlene! Me and four were together. I didn't cheat on him." I glared at her. "So don't compare us. You need to tell him or I will." I turned around and walked back into the canteen. Eric was standing talking to Max. I turned back around and went back to the apartment.

I sat on the sofa, staring at the wall. How did my life get so complicated so fast. 6 months ago I was happy in a relationship with the man I was going to marry and now I'm a single pregnant woman living at her ex trainers apartment. Why did this turn into my life?

My thoughts were disturbed by Eric walking into the apartment. I looked up at him and he smiled at me.
"Hey." I smiled back at him.
"Tris, I don't want you to go." I looked down. "I don't want to go either." Because I like you Eric I really like you. I felt my side of the sofa bounce up. He turned to me,
"Tris, I umm... I please don't go." He grabbed my hands,
"Eric, it's a baby. It will be here in 3 months. 84 days! You can't tell me that it won't annoy you to have a baby that isn't yours here?" Please argue back.
"I'll be okay. Just think about it. Okay." He moved his hands from my hands to my face. Kiss me! Kiss me!

And then the door went. He stood up and there stood Four.
"Hey, can I speak to tris. It's important." I slowly stood up.
"Umm yeah, let's talk outside." I looked at Eric. He looked kind of annoyed. He was biting down on his piercings.

We walked outside.
"Did you know?" Shit she told him.
"Know what?" Act clueless.
"Marlene slept with Zeke." He looked down to the floor "she slept with him, she broke up with me and I saw her talk to you today and I umm. Did she tell you?" He looked back up.
"She umm yeah she told me. But I told her to tell you or I would. And you need to talk to her. You really need to talk to her." I stared down at my baby bump.
"I can't tell you. It's not my place I'm sorry." I hugged him.
"My appointment is on Wednesday, 2 o'clock. Please be there." I smiled at him
"I'll see you tomorrow at the results."


Eric stared into space. Things were awkward. I wanted to know what would have happened if four hadn't turned up. Would we have kissed. God I want to kiss him.

I walked over to him. Sitting next to him.
"Eric?" He stood up
"No tris, leave it. I'm going bed I'll see you in the morning." He walked into the bedroom.

It's a short one but I hope you enjoyed.
Happy new year!
I'll update again soon I've got some ideas for this book

Millie ❤️

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