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everyday is exactly the same. drowning out my real life with social media. staring at girls instagram wondering why i couldn't be enough for you. i know that you stare too long at their photos and like it on purpose. yet i find comfort in your presence. i love the you, but i'm jealous of you. loneliness has engulfed me in its dark cold hands. i'm jealous of the way you interact with people. i'm jealous of the way it comes so easily to you to even just say hello to people. i lay in bed every night thinking about how i could finally admire myself. i want my future to be better but how could it be better when i can't even move? i cant get out of bed. i keep forgetting to eat. my thoughts are drowning me. my tears are stinging my face. a text message from you pops up, it feels like nothing to me. are you even concerned about me? every night i lay in bed alone. i go to school, alone. my parents are worried but i can't seem to break this bad habit. when will i find my escape?


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