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i am not the idle person. i mess up a lot. i'm selfish in situations where i should be the opposite. i over think every word, every movement and action of every person i cross. i doubt myself to the point where i convince myself i'd be better if i just accomplished nothing. i get jealous over even the smallest of things, even a smile or small talk. i'm lazy. i worry about my reputation too much. i break people's hearts because i cannot understand their feelings as well as i do mine. i don't speak up when i'm feeling left out or forgotten. when i'm struggling i never reach out for help because i know that i can do better than that. i procrastinate every task or assignment i come across. i fail my tests and i skip school 3/5 days out of the school week. i stay up far too late at night because i feel like my time of peace is ripped away from me during the day because of stress, work and school. i blow all of my money despite me having goals of saving up for a laptop. i forget to tell my family i love them. i always say the wrong thing at the wrong time at the wrong place. i hate taking care of myself.

i need help. but i don't know how to get it.

thoughtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ