Five Hundred Corpses

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                    "You must be wondering what happened to your friends back there. I have to admit that they were tough but they aren't coming back now.", says the rotund-robed figure while choking Ranko with his arm. Ranko gasps with shock and thinks to herself, "No way! Sir Goro and Fumiko can't be!". "Now, let go of your wand. Both of you!", orders the female robed figure holding Minako. "We would never surrender to punks like you!", Ranko screams with frustration. The two figures who were struck by Ranko get up and move toward Minako and Ranko. Ranko glares at the figure standing in front of her. The figure charges his hand with Amplification magic and surrounds it with black lightning. He punches Ranko on her face hard. As he punches her, she spits out blood from her mouth. "Drop your wand!", screams the robed figure in front of Ranko. Ranko looks at the robed figure with disgust and spits on its face. The rotund figure choking Ranko tightens its grip around Ranko's neck. Ranko coughs as the figure tightens its grip. The figure standing in front punches Ranko in her gut and again on her face. Ranko faints in the rotund figure's grip as her wand falls on the floor. "Lady Ranko!!!", Minako screams with worry as she faints. "Where are you looking? You should worry about yourself.", says the figure standing in front of Minako as he punches Minako unconscious. "Is that all of them?", asks one of the robed figures to the female robed figure. "Well, I don't think so because Sara hasn't returned yet. She went out to block these guys from entering. I wonder why she hasn't returned. Should I go and check on her?", replies the rotund figure. "No. Don't go. She can handle herself. We need to return to Kazuro.", says the female figure. "I see those guys back there gave you both a tough time. You look hideous.", says one of the robed figures. "Yeah. Those guys were very tough. I had to use it.", says the female figure. "No way! Do you know how dangerous that is?! You could have died Yukie!", replies the robed figure with anger. "I know but here I am. Plus, our goal matters more than my life. I had to do whatever it took to defeat them. I had learned to control some of the 'Ankeji'.".

                    *Flashback to Goro and Fumiko versus the robed figures.*

                    "Now, tell us where are the Matsuis that you are working for.", says Goro to the female figure lying on the ground. "Don't think that you have defeated me yet.", says the female figure with a weak voice as she tries to get up on her feet. "Looks like you haven't learned your lesson!", Goro yells in anger. Goro keeps his foot on the head of the female figure and yells, "Tell us now or I will stomp your head into the ground now! I will show no mercy for those who defy Divinazione!". Suddenly white aura emits out the female figure's body that shines brightly. Goro gasps in shock and thinks to himself, "No way! She's going to use the Forbidden magic spell! I have to save Fumiko!". "Run Fumiko!! She's going to use a spell which can kill both of us!! We need to get out of her way now!!". Fumiko nods and starts to run further inside. Goro covers her back and starts to run behind Fumiko. "You will not escape!", yells the female figure with a weak voice as she releases incredible amounts of energy out of her body. A white beam erupts out of the female figure's mouth at high-speed. Goro looks back and notices a massive white beam approaching him and Fumiko at great speed. "Is this it?! Is this as far as I go?! I wanted to serve Sir Daihachi longer. I wanted to spend more time with my lovely wife Shinako.", Goro thinks to himself as the white beam progresses towards him. Goro closes his eyes as the white beam goes through him and Fumiko. 

                    "I don't know if it killed those two or not. In order to survive, I used a lower level of the Akenji. I don't know if that was enough but they're down for the count.", says the female figure. "Something about that little girl is bugging me. Her presence was really intimidating.", The rotund figure gulps down saliva as it thinks about Fumiko. "Well whatever it is, we need to head back. Let's take the Wizards with us.", says one of the robed figures. "Wait. There's one more here.", says the rotund figure as he picks up Kahori's body and puts it on his shoulders. The robed figures start to move further inside of the bones with the bodies of the unconscious Mages. 

                    "There's light in this place. That's good news!", says Ranko with relief. "Shut up sister! It's time to be serious! We could be encountering enemies anytime now!". "No time for this. Let's move ahead.", says Daishin. Daishin, Ranko and Miyo move forward cautiously. After walking for around ten minutes, Daishin notices two bodies on the ground at a distance. As he moves forward to take a look at the bodies, his eyes open up with shock. "Sir Goro! Fumiko!", screams Daishin as he notices them lying down on the floor with blood everywhere. "How could this happen?!", says Miyo with a confused expression. "I-I'm f-fine.", Goro stutters with a weak voice. "What happened?!", asks Daishin with a shocked face. "The enemy used the Forbidden spell. I don't know how I managed to survive but I did. Although in this condition, I'm not sure I can even move.", says Goro with a weak voice. "He saved me.", says Fumiko as she gets up on her knees. "Stop talking Sir Goro. We will get you back to Divinazione right away! Miyo, Ranko, take Sir Goro back to Divinazione with the speeder now!", instructs Daishin. "Right away Sir!", replies Miyo as she and Ranko pick Goro up and start to move out of the bones. "They have really betrayed the country haven't they? Using the Forbidden spell and hurting so many innocents.", Daishin thinks to himself as he tightens his fists with anger. "I hope you're ready to go Fumiko because we're not finished with these rascals!", says Daishin with an angry voice. Fumiko gets back up on her feet slowly and says, "I can still fight Sir!". 

                    Daishin and Fumiko walk further inside of the bones. After a walk of around thirty minutes, Daishin stops and says, "I sense incredible amounts of magic from up ahead! Be cautious Fumiko.". Daishin and Fumiko start to walk slowly and cautiously approaching the immense magic. "What in the hell is that?!", says Daishin with a look of shock on his face. He notices a structure glowing with purple energy in front of him. Right in front of the structure stands a robed figure who turns back and says, "Oh, welcome Daishin Aoi. I guess there's no need to hide ourselves now.". The robed figure takes off its hood. "Who are you?", asks Daishin. "I figured that would be the first thing you ask me. Well, allow me to introduce myself and my friends. My name is Kazuro and these are my precious friends Yukie, Morio, Ryoji, Otaka. I have another friend who will return in just a while so I will introduce you to her later.", says Kazuro. "I don't care about introductions! This is has gone too far! Where are the Matsui's?! Where are they?!", Daishin yells with anger. "Oh yes. The Matsui clan. Just give me a second.", says Kazuro as he turns around and raises his hand in the air. His right hand releases purple aura as the purple structure starts to move down into the ground. As the purple structure goes down into the ground, Daishin gasps with shock, "What in the world?!". "That's right. Here's what you wanted.", says Kazuro. Daishin witnesses a sight which shocks him through the roof. The dead bodies of all the Matsui's piled up on top of each other surrounded with blood.

                                                                        END OF CHAPTER

*Akenji- Releasing all of the user's magic at the same time that guarantees death. A hundred years back, a Sorcerer Council member had found a way to use the spell without having to face death by controlling the Akenji spell. Although, Daihachi had banned the spell from usage by any Sorcerer as it is risky for any Sorcerer to use. Anyone who uses the spell will be faced with death as punishment. Since then, it is called as a Forbidden spell.*

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