Training For The Oracles Begins!

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                    It is the day of the Camp. All of the twenty selected Sorcerers gather in the ground at 8 A.M. Jinpachi comes out on the stage and says, "Hello young Sorcerers. Today, we will be setting up our camp at a location in the western part of the Magia Grasslands. This is going to be a five-day camp. You will be trained by the Sorcerer Council. We shall leave at once for the Grasslands.". Jinpachi sits down on the stage. He joins his hands, closes his eyes, and screams, "Summon beast: Swift Horse!". Right behind the Sorcerers, twenty-one Horses are summoned. All the Sorcerers turn around to see these beautiful white Horses which look to be slightly bigger than an average Horses' size. They also have a pointed cone-like structure that is attached to the back of their hooves. All of the Sorcerers start observing the horses with a look of curiosity on all their faces. Jinpachi steps down the stage and walks towards the Horses. He says, "These are Swift Horses. These are magical animals that are my own creation. They are slightly bigger than average Horses as you can tell. Their hooves have an external feature which is an acceleration cone. This cone is a magical cone that allows them to increase their speed. The magic which flows in their body is directed towards these cones which allows them to accelerate even more. They are three times faster than a normal horse.". Kane asks, "Sir, will we be riding these Horses to the Grasslands?". "Indeed.", replies Jinpachi. Kane starts to look terrified. Jinpachi says, "Do not worry. The horse tack which is on these Horses are made by Wizards. As you all know, Wizards create thousands of magic items. This is also one of their creations. When you hold the reins of the Horse tack, your hands will get stuck to them, and similarly, when you put your feet in the stirrups, your feet will get stuck to the stirrup. Which will help you to stay still even when the Horses run at their fastest pace. It is extremely safe. So, you don't have to worry.". Nozomi asks Jinpachi, "Sir, you use Barrier Magic then how are you able to summon animals?". Jinpachi replies with a subtle smile on his face and says, "You have got a keen eye there, the Matsui girl. The clan of Yamamoto is the only clan in the history of Divinazione that can use two types of magic. Summon beast Magic and Barrier Magic." Daizo rubs his hands on his head and says, "That is impressive.". "Now, sit on one Horse. Just hold the reins and put your feet in the stirrups. Leave everything else to the magic within the item.". All of the Sorcerers sit on the horses and get ready to leave for the Magia Grasslands. Jinpachi sits on his horse and says, "Time to leave.". All the horses *neigh* and start running out of the Mago Regashi ground with Jinpachi in the lead. 

                    Jinpachi makes a route with which the people living in civilized areas aren't disturbed by having all the horses go through uncivilized areas of the state of Capitol and then Celeste heading into the Western Grasslands. (To understand the world-building and routes, visit the previous chapter and observe the map carefully.) All the Sorcerers face no issues while riding on the Swift Horses. In fact, All the young Sorcerers enjoy their ride on the Horses. The Scenery while heading towards the Grasslands is absolutely green with trees all around and beautiful streams of water in the state of Celeste. Everyone is overjoyed with the air passing past their faces and the beautiful view. They also take a small break of thirty minutes in a big garden which appears in their way after three hours of tiring journey. They eat some light snacks and drink water before continuing their journey. Another three hours in, they reach the Magia Grasslands. Jinpachi speaks out, "Young Sorcerers, we have reached the Grasslands of Magia!". Everyone looks stunned as they look around. The blue skies with small clouds and The never-ending green grass are what they witness. The air in the Grasslands is refreshing. Jinpachi tells everyone, "We have made it to the Grasslands. This is where we will train to fight the Oracles. But, we have been traveling for a very long time and I understand you must be very tired. We will set up all the tents right away for you to rest in. Everyone will set up their own tent.". Daizo looks towards Fusao and says, "Man, I am really tired. I don't even have the energy to set up the tent.". Fusao sighs and says, "We are all in the same boat Daizo. Everyone is tired here. But we cannot sleep in open grass, can we?". Kane yells, "Oh yes, you can!". Fusao and Daizo look towards Kane who is laying down on a big mat. Fusao says, "Kane, you know that we aren't allowed to lay down like that.". Daizo runs past Fusao and lays down on Kane's mat with an expression of relief on his face. He says, "Thanks, Kane. I really needed a place to lie down." Jinpachi walks and stands in front of the Daizo and Kane who are relaxing on the mat and says, "Get up or else you will have to face a severe punishment.". Daizo and Kane get extremely terrified and start to set up their tents. While everyone rests in their tents, Jinpachi sits down in the long grass with his legs folded and starts to meditate. After an hour, Jinpachi gets up and screams, "Time to get up! Enough rest!". All of the Sorcerers slowly come out of their tents. Jinpachi tells everyone, "Now, I will explain to you some important factors about the Oracles and how to battle against them if they appear before you. Let us talk about the Wakai Oracles. The Wakai Oracles, as explained to you all before, are similar to rabbits in terms of appearance. They have sharp teeth and sharp claws. They are very small in size but they are also very agile. They will always run towards you and if you do not knock them down before they approach you, you will be clawed and bitten by them which will potentially kill you. In order to prevent that, you will need to hit them with all your magic before they can reach you. The Oracles have an external core in their bodies. It looks like a red crystal which is approximately fifteen centimeters in length. In order to turn them into dust, you will need to hit those crystals with a sharp aim. It is difficult to aim at something which is only fifteen centimeters in length and also a moving target. Thus, while the Oracles run towards you,  knock them down by hitting their faces with your magic and then focus your aim towards the crystal. As the Wakai Oracles are knocked prone, they will be a still target. That is your opportunity to strike the core and finish them off. In the case of Fumiko Ito and Bunzo Fujimoto, it is completely different as their magic is extraordinary for melee combat. Fumiko's Sword Magic and remarkable speed will give her an edge over the Wakai Oracles. Bunzo's Animal Inheritance will make his physical attributes far superior to a Wakai Oracle. We are in the western part of the Magia Grasslands where the percentage of Wakai Oracles is ninety-nine percent, one percent of Uma Oracles, and nearly zero percent of Colossus Oracles. Thus, in this camp, we will only be training to fight against the Wakai Oracles. In another ten minutes, the other Sorcerer Council members will be arriving. We will begin the training then. 

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