Fierce Battle At The Bones Of The Ancient Dragon!

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                    "Yukie!!", The rotund-robed figure screams with worry as his partner screams with pain. "You don't need to worry Fumiko. I will take care of this foolish man!", says Goro with a serious face as he starts walking towards the rotund figure. As he walks forward, something holds his right foot. He looks down and notices the same figure that he had attacked holding his foot while laying down on the floor. The figure raises its face and looks towards Goro with a frightening smile. Goro's boot starts to burn as the figure tightens its grip on Goro's foot. "Acid?!", Goro thinks to himself with a terrified expression on his face. He takes his foot out of the boot and falls back. "These are definitely not Matsui. That big guy used a black lightning sword. The other one used Acid magic on me right now. Magic used by the Okada and Kaneko clans! What in the world is going on?! Who are these people?!", Goro thinks to himself with an irritated expression. "That was powerful but not powerful enough. I will not take you lightly, the blind follower, Goro Ariyoshi.", says the feminine figure. "The blind follower?", questions Goro. "Indeed. The one who blindly listens to whatever the King says!", yells the feminine figure. "How dare you! Sir Daihachi is never wrong. He is the perfect leader that everyone in Divinazione needs. He is the kindest person by heart. Don't speak foul of him!", says Goro with an angry face. "Bullshit!", yells out the feminine figure as she dashes towards Goro. She goes for a quick punch as her hands light up with Amplification magic. Goro deflects her arm with his right hand as his hands light up with Amplification magic at the same time as the mysterious figure. Her magic is off the charts. Not just the magic, her fist is extremely hard.", Goro thinks to himself as he deflects its arm. Goro goes for an overhand right as he deflects the whizz punch. The feminine figure ducks under the punch and goes for a kick on Goro's left torso. Goro holds her leg with his amplified right arm tightly. As he holds her leg, his hand starts to burn as her leg turns acidic. Goro releases her leg instantly as his hand burns. Goro shrieks with pain. As he takes a step back with pain, the figure goes for a punch straight for his gut. Goro barely manages to hold her fist with his left hand. "You feel the pain don't you, Goro Ariyoshi? You need your distance to cast your Psychic magic on me and I won't you get away from me even a little before I put you down!", says the feminine figure confidently. "Black Lightning!", screams the figure as sparks of black lightning surround her hands. She starts to swing at Goro from all directions. "She's using the magic of the Okada, Kaneko and, Hasegawa clans! Three of the clans that were attacked by the Matsui! How can she use them?! How can she use three types of magic?! Who the hell are these people?!", Goro thinks to himself with a confused expression on his face while avoiding the mysterious figure's tremendous swings.

                    While Goro engages in an intense fight with the female robed figure, Fumiko is in shock as the rotund-robed figure has held the sword of paralysis with his bare hands. The yellow sword of paralysis held by the robed figure suddenly disappears as Fumiko summons a purple-colored sword in her left hand and swings across the robed figure's chest with immense speed. The sword slashes all across the rotund figure's chest that results in a massive scar. As Fumiko attempts another strike, the figure jumps back and says, "I see your speed has increased a lot. So, you possess multiple swords with unique abilities of their own. Very interesting. You are definitely very skilled for such a young kid but your level of magic isn't even close to mine.". The rotund figure charges magic by holding his hands and lets out hundreds of minuscule metal spikes toward Fumiko. Fumiko closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as the spikes approach her. She swings her sword at the spikes and cuts all of them in half with precision. "Hah!", yells the rotund figure as he suddenly appears in front of Fumiko and swings his black lightning sword at Fumiko. Fumiko defends the strike and pushes the figure back. The figure leaps ahead and starts to swing at Fumiko. Fumiko evades all of the attacks with ease and strikes the rotund figure on the right wrist. The rotund figure falls back and thinks to itself, "She's very quick. She can make her sword disappear and summon another one instantly because of which holding her sword with my hands using Hardening magic is pretty much useless. I think that I have to use it or this is going nowhere.". Fumiko looks back at Goro who is engaged in an intense battle with the other robed figure. Goro raises his hand in the air and makes a symbol with his fingers. Fumiko nods as she looks at Goro's symbol and turns back toward the rotund figure. Fumiko closes her eyes with a serious expression on her face. After five seconds, she opens her eyes wide. Her eyes shine red as the rotund figure gets stunned. Sweat starts to pour down his face and he starts breathing heavily. Being unable to move, Fumiko dashes toward the figure and slashes through its entire torso twice. The rotund figure screeches with pain and falls on his knees. Striking the rotund figure down, Fumiko turns her attention toward Goro and the female robed figure. She runs towards the female figure who is swinging punches at Goro and goes for a strike with her purple sword at her back. As she approaches the female figure, she turns back and crosses her arms to defend herself from Fumiko's strike. Fumiko's sword strike slashes through the back of the female figure's right arm. Taking advantage of the situation, Goro backflips a few meters and makes a certain distance between himself and the robed figure. "I knew I could trust this kid. She's incredibly powerful. Now, it's time to put them down and bring out the truth.", Goro thinks to himself as he joins his hands and closes his eyes to concentrate magic. "Voice of Terror!", Goro screams as he releases a rainbow-colored beam out of his hand that strikes the head of the female robed figure. Voices of people screaming, immense pain, terror, fright. The feminine figure experiences it all as the beam strikes her head. She falls to the ground and screams with agony and pain. "I told you. I will make you regret picking a fight with us.", says Goro with a serious expression on his face. "You did good kid. I know that Sir Daihachi had picked you but I still had my doubts about your capabilities but you managed to keep up and pull off our strategy.", says Goro with a subtle smile on his face. "Thank you, Sir.", replies Fumiko. 

                    "So we have to fight you idiots, is it?", asks Minako. "You're taking us far too lightly for someone who doesn't have even an ounce of magic. Oh, so we're facing Wizards, are we? I see this is going to be easy.", says one of the two robed figures standing in front of them. "Great! You're going to regret underestimating us! Let's go Minako!". Both of their Spellbooks come in front of them and pages flip over as Reiko casts, "Midori Lightning strike spell!". Reiko puts her wand in front that releases green lightning that moves forward at incredible speed. One of the figures in front dodges the lightning strike as it approaches it. "Haha! Do you think that will be enough to damage us? Lightning may be quick but we are quicker!",  Reiko smirks as she hears the robed figures comment. Green lightning suddenly struck down the other robed figure from behind. It falls onto the ground as its back starts to bleed. "What?! What happened?!", yells the robed figure in confusion. "You will never be able to defeat me and Minako together. She's my best disciple and the strongest one. Our combo is unbeatable.", says Reiko with a confident smile.". The robed figure who had been struck stands up and says, "It caught me off guard but I think I know what it is. That little girl is using some sort of a portal to transport her lightning from one place to another.". "Smart! But what are you going to do about it?", says Reiko with a smirk on her face. Both of the robed figures charge their arms with Amplification magic and surround their hands with black lightning. They start to run at great speed toward Minako and Reiko. As they run, multiple portals appear beside them as they move ahead. "Keep a watch for the portals beside you. With our speed, we can counter their strategy. A Wizard's true weakness is close combat.", says one of the robed figures to the other. "Midori lightning spear spell!", Reiko casts toward the portal nearest to her. The green lightning spells teleport from portal to portal at great speed. "Here it comes!", yells one of the robed figures. They jump and evade the immense green lightning as they approach closer to Reiko and Minako. Reiko looks at Minao with a smile on her face and nods. Suddenly, two portals summon beneath both the robed figures. Green lightning emerges out of the portals and strikes the chins of both the robed figures as they go flying into the air and fall on their stomachs. "Wh-what just happened?", one of the robed figures thinks to himself as he looks at Reiko and Minako while laying down on the ground. "Never underestimate Wizards. We aren't any less than Sorcerers!", Minako yells with anger. 

                    As Reiko and Minako observe the two robed figures laying down on the floor, both of their necks suddenly get held tightly from behind. "Now, stay still or you will be slaughtered.", a manly voice comes from behind Reiko. "Who are you?", Reiko asks with a choked voice. She turns her eyeballs to her left and notices a familiar rotund figure choking her neck with his arms. Her eyes open up with shock. "This is that guy! The guy we just saw back there with Goro and Fumiko! If he's here then, Sir Goro and Fumiko lost?!".

                                                                               END OF CHAPTER

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