Clash Of The Swords!

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                    "Eye Of Oro? Wh-what is that?", says the robed figure with a weak voice. "Now you will tell me what your motive really is.", says Daishin. Daishin's eyes turn golden and start to glow. He casts, "Water Rupture Spell.". He puts his right hand in the front, launching a shining water beam at great speed toward the figure. The figure thinks to himself as the beam approaches it, "There's no way to dodge this. It's too quick.". The Rupture spell blitzes the figure's left shoulder and takes off the skin of the left torso. The robe turns into bits and falls on the ground. The person under the robes turns out to be a young woman who is gasping for breath. "I knew you weren't Matsui. Acid and Wind spells. Never seen a Matsui use that. Now tell me, who are you? What is your motive?", asks Daishin "As expected. You do not know who I am. Why would you notice inferiors like us? Why would you? All of you are pets indeed. You told me you don't like to fight. Why did you come all the way here?", the weakened woman asks. Daishin replies with a stern face, "I don't know what you are talking about. I don't remember you at all nor do I remember telling you that. Tell me, who are you? Why are you wearing the Matsui robe?". "I am useless. I couldn't even stop one of you cursed Sorcerers. The road ahead of you will not be easy. You will die. He was right. I...I am very happy that I died fighting for him.", says the woman with a weak voice as a teardrop falls out of her left eye. She falls to the ground, unconscious. Daishin puts his right hand forward and screams, "No! Wait!". Daishin runs towards her body and takes a look at her. "What was she saying? Where did I meet her? I have no idea what is going on anymore.", Daishin thinks to himself with a confused expression on her face as he looks at the mysterious woman's face. 

(This scene takes place a week back when the Sorcerers hadn't left for the Bones of the Ancient Dragons.)

                    Daigo arrives at Daizo's house at 5 A.M. He rings the bell. After ten seconds, Hanami opens the door a little bit and peaks out to see who has rung the bell. She bows down and says, "Good Evening, Sir! What brings you here?". Daigo smiles and says, "Good evening! I came here to talk to Daizo. Is he around?". "Oh yes, Sir. He is. Daizo!!", she calls out to him. "Coming!", a faint voice comes from inside the house. Daizo comes running towards the door. He peaks out of the door from behind his mother and says with a surprised look on his face, "Sir Daigo?! What are you doing here?". "I know that it's just been a day since the camp was over and you must be very tired but, we need to go.", says Daigo with a serious face. Daizo asks, "Where Sir?". "To train you. We're going to the open grounds of Celeste.", replies Daigo. "But Sir, He's just come back from intense training. He's very tired and hasn't slept properly.", says Hanami with a worried expression on her face. "I understand you Ma'am but, our country is in danger. Daizo is the one who will lead us to a better future. I know that he is just a kid but, a lot is riding on this kid. Sir Daihachi believes that he will be the one to annihilate the Warlocks and bring eternal peace to Divinazione. I have no choice but to push him beyond his limits.", says Daigo with a serious expression. "But sir- It's alright, mom.", Daizo interrupts his mother. "I had told you that I will become the greatest Sorcerer and I will train hard for it. I am tired. That is true, but if I have so much importance in this Country, I am not going to let anyone down. I will go, mom!", says Daizo with a subtle smile on his face. Hanami looks down at the ground with a worried face for a few seconds. She says, "Fine. Go. Sir, please take care of him.". Daizo says, "I'll change into my Sorcerer's suit and be right back!". He runs back inside the house. "He's very reckless but he's very talented. I promise you that I will make him what you wish for him to be.", says Daigo with a smile on his face. 

                    Daizo and Daigo make their way to the state of Celeste in a Magic Speeder. After a two-hour journey, they reach the open grounds of Celeste. Daizo jumps out of the speeder and says, " these are the open grounds of Celeste. There's nothing here. But Sir, why is there so much open ground with no buildings or civilization?". "There were many Sorcerers who denied to train in the grasslands as they were scared of the Oracles. They said that they wouldn't be able to hone their skills when Oracles were running all around the place. The previous leader of the state of Celeste decided to listen to the people and made an open ground which is away from civilization such that Sorcerers can train peacefully and the citizens aren't disturbed. When a new leader came in charge of the state, he banished Sorcerers from using these grounds and forced them to face their fears. Now, no Sorcerer is allowed to train on these grounds. I took special permission from Sir Daihachi to use this place for your training as the grasslands are full of Oracles, Sorcerers, and Wizards. It's too dangerous to train there.", explains Daigo. "Alright. Let's get started then!", says Daizo with excitement written all over his face. "Wait. Before we start, I need to tell you something.". Daizo hears carefully as Daigo explains the massacre of the clans at the hands of the Matsui. Daizo's face drops down as he hears the unfortunate assassination of the clans. "But why? why in the world would they do anything like this?!", asks Daizo as his eyes tear up. "We don't know the answers ourselves. Sir Daihachi is going to make a move against the Matsui very soon. He asked me to stay and fight against the Matsui if need be but I have taken it upon myself to make you strong because from now on, every second counts and we cannot afford to waste even one.", replies Daigo. "But my training can come later! Those traitors should be beaten to a pulp! We should go back and teach those goons a lesson!", Daizo yells with anger. Daigo holds Daizo's hand tightly and says, "We are not. The sole reason I came here was to train you so that you get stronger and after a week, we will head back to Divinazione and you can teach them a lesson yourself, alright? Now, let's get to work. Stop crying and calm yourself down.". Daizo wipes his tears and takes a deep breath. "Sir, what about Nozomi? She's a Matsui as well but I know she's innocent. I can never think of Nozomi supporting anything like that.", says Daizo with an upset face as he recalls his conversation with Nozomi. "The Principal will take care of that. We need to focus. Now, let's start the training. This is going to be tough so prepare yourself.". 

(At the Bones of the Ancient Dragons)

                    "Are you sure Sir Daishin will be fine all by himself?", asks Reiko. "He said that he will be able to handle it and he was chosen by Sir Daihachi himself so I don't doubt his skill. Anyways, let's focus now that we're finally here.". Goro, Reiko, Fumiko, Kahori and, Minako look toward the front as they stand in front of the massive Dragon's bones. "Be extremely cautious. We do not know when the enemy might attack us. I will use the Light of the Heavens spell to help us see inside the skin of the Dragon. All of the Mages move forward and notice fire torches on both sides of the skin of the Dragon. "Well, that's convenient.", says Minako. "Let's move!", says Goro. "This place is so watery!", says Minako with a disgusted look on her face as they walk forward inside the skin of the Dragon. "Behind you!", yells Goro as he turns back. "I know.", replies Fumiko. Fumiko summons a red-colored sword in her hand and raises it toward the sky as a rotund-robed figure tries to attack her with a black sword from the air. Their swords clash. "You're attentive aren't you.", says the robed figure as he falls back. "So one of them has already come.", says Reiko with a serious expression on her face. " Lady Reiko, Minako, Kahori, go ahead. I and the girl will take care of this chump.", says Goro. "We planned to stick together, not to split Sir Goro!", says Reiko with anger. "I know but we need to keep moving ahead. We cannot stop moving until we find the Matsui and interrogate them! Go ahead and find the Matsui! We will catch up with you soon!", yells Goro. Reiko looks at Goro with a furious expression and runs ahead with Minako and Kahori. "You're just sending them to their deaths. They will not survive even a minute from now.", says the robed figure. "I will take him on, Sir. Stand back.", says Fumiko with an intense expression on her face. "I will watch your back. I have faith in your skill.", replies Goro. Fumiko zips forward with her sword. Both of their swords clash against each other. Generated are sparks as their swords strike against each other. "Haha! You're good!", yells the robed figure. Fumiko pours all her power into her strike and pushes the figure back. The figure strikes back as both begin to exchange blows with their swords at great speed. "I can't believe it. How's a kid that good with a sword?!", Goro thinks to himself with a shocked expression on his face. "Black lightning!", screams the rotund figure as his sword charges up with black-colored lightning. He attempts to strike Fumiko's face with the black-lightning sword. Fumiko barely manages to avoid the strike as a few bits of her hair get electrified and fall. "You're wide open.", says Fumiko as a yellow-colored sword appears in her hand. She bends down and attacks the stomach of the figure. As she strikes with great speed, The figure holds her sword with his bare hands, inches away from his stomach. "What?! He held the sword of paralysis with his hands?!", Fumiko thinks to herself as her eyes open up with shock. "Hahaha! Now! Yukie!", yells the robed figure. Fumiko looks above and notices another robed figure dropping down to attack her. "Psychic Explosion!", screams Goro with a furious expression on his face as he points his fingers towards the figure in the air. The figure screams in pain as Goro screams and falls on its stomach behind Fumiko. It holds its head and screams in agony. "This is it! You are going to regret everything that you have done! I will destroy your minds and make you suffer!".

                                                                        END OF CHAPTER

*Eye of Oro- A power only possessed by Daishin in the entirety of Divinazione. Damage dealt to Daishin by Magic amplifies his magic more. The more powerful the spell he is hit by, the more powerful his magic gets. The only way to defeat this power is by killing Daishin in one blow or damaging him to a point where he's unable to stand and cast magic.*

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