3# Bdubs didn't accept the clock?

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Word Count: 2200+

    "We have a gift for you, come here." I heard Scar saying from below the crastle. The crastle alliance was only me and Impulse now, Cleo was killed by Skizz and Tango by Martyn! Impulse was still by my side but he was nowhere to be seen, he's... not really that trustworthy let's say, but he's still a part of the alliance.
    "Okay. Comin' down" I said jumping to the water. As I swam up the current, my eyes met the duo standing besides each other very aware of my movements... or at least it seemed like so. Scar held a clock in his hands and offered it to me.
    "Bdubs I want you to have this-" He placed it on my hands. I looked at it before looking back at the two once again, maintaining my distance between us. "-with one condition; you have to kill Impulse. You can become our ally! Just think about it, that clock is a sign of peace!" Wait... wait what now?
    "You... want me to kill Impulse?" I asked to confirm what I heard.
    "Yeah, just give him a little nudge with the axe and everything will be good!" He responded, smiling like nothing happened before everything went down.


    "And what do I get from all this? I can't kill Impulse just because you gave me a clock." Betraying someone 'cause someone gave me a possession... it's not what a friend would do. Impulse is good people! Sure, he might've caused some problems with this all-sides strategy but he's on the alliance we made first-hand! I can't do him like that!
    "What do you mean? That clock is all you need. Just take it and put it in your pocket, that'll mean you accepted our offer." Scar was playing games once again. Is he trolling? I feel like he's trolling me.
    "Ah, I thought I wouldn't reach with the pearl here. Hey guys!" We all heard Impulse come by. Speaking of the devil. "What were you guys talking about?"
    "Impulse... They gave me a clock." I showed him the relic. I wasn't really sure of what to do, I love clocks and I love Impulse as well so... I guess we'll have to run from the danger duo. I don't want to be involved with them whatsoever. You know me! I HATE Scar, well... not really hate, just dislike him because of what he did in the past.
    "Oh..." He looked at me weird. Did he think I was gonna ally with the others? Na nay! I don't wanna let them win! They don't deserve it, couple of meanie heads... lol.
    'So... I think we know what to do now, right?" I was nervous, I don't know why but I was.
    "Are you... gonna kill me?" What? No! Impulse! We RUN like there's no tomorrow! We can't take these guys, we don't have PVP skills! And Grian's been in MCC for a while now so that adds up to our reasons!
    "Pfff yeah, like I was gonna kill you. RUUUUN!!!" I yelled, throwing the clock at Scar's face, grabbing Impulse's hand and taking off towards Dogwarts since it was the direction we had more space to run in. Behind us was the border, in front of us was the duo and to the left was the moat soooo.... yeah, we had no other option.
    "Ow! Get 'em Grian!" Scar ordered his friend to come after us. Grian was still on his second life so he could be a danger hazard if he manages to kill any of us. Not happening though! I fear nobody! And yes I'm running from him, what about it? That doesn't mean anything!

    "Get me in this stupid enclosure!" We came near the borders of the fallen kingdom, me falling behind Impulse. The guy quickly made a breach in the wall and helped me get in, closing it behind us. "That'll buy us some time, quick, go to BigB's. We need him if we want to win." I ordered.
    "What about you Bdubs? You can't just stay here and fight G on your own!" Impulse was a bit reluctant about this whole idea, but it had to be done if we want to survive against those two fools. Who do they think I am? I won't be going out without a fight!
    "Go. Now. We don't have time!" I yelled and got on guard as Grian came into view. Impulse left the scene, quickly slipping over to the only soldier left in the red army.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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