'I know, but I just want to be sick and alone,' I whispered back.

I felt him chuckle into my hair. 'If that changes, call me and I'll be there shortly after. I promise.'

'Perks of dating a human,' I mumbled.

'I love you nonetheless.'

'Hmm,' I answered, already too tired to respond back.

Edward started humming the lullaby he had made for me and I drifted off to sleep.

Edward POV:

Bella was sleeping restlessly. I hoped the coldness of my body offered her some kind of comfort, but she was still tossing and turning all night. Somewhere in the morning, I saw she grew agitated in her sleep. She was mumbling more than usual, but I could not comprehend a single word she was saying. I placed one cold hand on her forehead, hoping that would ease away the upcoming fever and made her sleep peacefully again.

As if I had burnt myself, I quickly pulled my hand away. What was that?

It couldn't be, could it?

I... saw something. And I... heard something. I gently placed my hand on her forehead again, afraid I had imagined it all.

But I hadn't. In her head, I saw myself and I saw Bella. We were together. The image had been a bit foggy, but it was as clear as crystal that she was dreaming about me right now. But why would she be agitated about that? I then noticed we were talking and the conversation did not go as smoothly. The topic must have been a hard one. I was debating with myself if I should listen in more about her dream, or not.

I then put my hand down. As much as I wanted to know more about it, she was entitled to her own thoughts. I had no right to see them as they weren't for me to see. But oh, how much I wanted to.

How could this be possible? I had never seen or heard Bella's thoughts, so why could I see them so clearly now? Was it because of her fever? Maybe Carlisle had a theory about it. As I could no longer touch Bella's forehead, I wrapped my arm around her.

'Why can't you just love me, Edward, right now? We don't even have to talk about me staying human or becoming a vampire. Why can't you just stay with me and love me for a few years? I don't want to be constantly afraid you'll leave again sooner or later.'

My eyes widened and I let go of holding her. This time, I heard and saw Bella very clearly. Was this her dream? Would this dream portray to me her fears and concerns? My heart was no longer beating, but the pain in my chest felt all too real. I wished I could jump into her dream and tell her that I did love her right now and that I would love her forever. And that I would never leave her again, and that it didn't matter to me if she would become a vampire or stay human since I would not go anywhere. If she would want me by her side, I would be there.

I ran my hands through my hair. Longing to hear more about her dream and fighting the urge to listen in, I got out of bed. Bella's dream wasn't meant for me and maybe, if I would not be touching her, I would not hear or see it.

So I sat down in the chair and hoped I would offer her some comfort this way. She had said she wanted me here tonight so I would not go home. My family would see me all day and night anyway since I wouldn't be with Bella for a few days.

And that stung. I would miss her tremendously but I understood she might feel slightly embarrassed about being sick. Even though she had absolutely nothing to be embarrassed for. I simply hoped that once Bella felt a little bit better, I could come to visit again.

As if she missed my presence, Bella rolled over to a colder side of the bed. Even from our distance, I felt her fever had gotten higher. And even though I was no longer touching her, her dream became more vivid to me due to the rise in temperature, I suppose. I wanted to leave her room to give her some privacy, but I remember she asked me to stay the night.

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