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Chapter 8: Hospital

Bella POV:

Everything hurt. My head hurt. My arm hurt. Everything. Hurt. I heard someone whispering. Hello? What were they saying? I couldn't comprehend anything. Wait, where am I? I tried to open my eyes. It didn't work. Please, talk to me. Where am I? I tried to listen to the voices around me.

'Four of her ribs are fractured, Mr Swan, and she has a skull fracture.'

'Then why isn't she waking up?'

I know that voice. It felt familiar. I immediately felt safe. Please continue talking! Please.

'She hit her head pretty badly. But the CT scan is showing us her brain activity works as it should. So she should wake up any time now.'

'Oh, thank god.'

Were they talking about me? I'm fine, I wanted to say. Don't worry about me. I tried to open my mouth but instead, I drifted away in my unconsciousness.

I couldn't move anything. I couldn't move my head. I couldn't move my eyelids. I couldn't speak. I couldn't see. Everything was black. And everything hurts. I heard something. I couldn't hear it through the mist in my head. I tried to reach consciousness. It worked. Suddenly, I heard voices. Familiar voices.

'I won't leave her alone.'

I know that voice! It's the same voice! The voice that soothed me. I tried to wake up. I wanted to comfort that voice. Please don't be sad. I'm fine.

'Charlie, you need to sleep.'

Charlie? Why did that name sound so familiar? Did I know someone named Charlie? I couldn't remember. Charlie... The name did sound so appealing. I knew I knew someone named Charlie, but whom?

'I don't want to leave her alone, Billy.'

Billy? Who was that?

'Don't beat yourself up. I can stay here for a few hours. You take a shower and put on some clean clothes. I'll call you if anything changes.'

I didn't hear a response. Everything went dark again.

I could see a little bit of light. Finally! I didn't know how long I was out for, but I could see a little bit. Someone was standing next to me. I didn't know who it was.

'Bella, I'm so sorry my son put you into this mess.'

Son? What was he talking about?

'He should have never promised you to ride a motorcycle. What was he thinking? Jacob can be so reckless!'

Motorcycle? Jacob? What happened?

I drifted away again.

I felt... wetness? Wetness on my hand. What was that? I heard sobs. Who was crying?

'Bella, I'm so sorry. Please wake up, I'm begging you.' I knew that voice. It was Jacob. I knew it for sure. Jacob was sitting next to me, crying. Why was he crying? What happened?

Don't be sad, Jacob. I will be fine. I've wanted to say that but I couldn't.

I heard a door opening. Someone was coming in.

'What are you doing here?' It was that voice again! That familiar voice. It belonged to... Charlie? Oh, Charlie! That's my father! My father Carlie. I remembered! I tried to smile. I couldn't.

'Sir, I'm so sorry. I needed to see how she is doing,' I heard Jacob say.

'Look, son, the accident wasn't your fault so don't blame yourself for it. But I'm still pissed at you for trying to teach Bella how to ride a motorcycle. What were you thinking?' He snapped.

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