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Chapter 26: Victoria

Edward POV:

'Victoria,' I whispered. I instinctively strengthened my grip around Bella's waist. Not again! Was this Bella's fate? Was she doomed to encounter danger at any time, simply because she was with me? Danger could not keep away from her and neither could I. So I quickly prayed to all the Gods that would listen, to please protect Bella from her. Please protect Bella from any danger and please, keep her safe.

How in the hell could Victoria be here? Victoria was a member of another coven, a coven that fed on human blood. A year ago, Victoria's mate attacked Bella and almost killed her in the process. My family killed her mate as a result. Was that the reason Victoria was back? To get revenge on us?

Edward, I saw Victoria. She's coming! Soon! Listen to me, she's after Bella. We need to protect her. Get Bella somewhere safe!

I heard Alice's panic thoughts. She would soon be here, in front of us. I felt Bella stiffen, as she would have probably felt a change in the atmosphere. Before she could blink, Alice stood in front of us, a fake smile plastered on her face. As Bella did not hear Alice, she was surprised to see her here. Bella's heartbeat quickened.

'Hello Bella,' Alice said, a bit too happy, too excited. She tried to remain cheerful as if that would somehow resolve our current situation.

'Alice, what are you doing here?' Bella asked her, her eyes wide.

Alice thought; The truth or a little white lie, Edward? It's your call. What is it going to be?

I signed, debating what would be best. Keeping Bella in the dark would be a nice option, but that had not helped us in the past. I figured we could better tell her what was going on. 'Alice saw a vision of Victoria, that's why she came here. To get you somewhere safe.'

I buried my face in Bella's hair. I'm so sorry for putting you into this mess again, is what I wanted to tell her. I felt immensely guilty for all of this.

'Alice, tell me what you saw,' Bella, practical as ever, asked.

'I saw Victoria, but it was blurry. I don't know why. I only know that she's coming and she's after you, Bella. Because we killed her mate, she wants to hurt you in order to upset Edward. An eye for an eye. So we need to patrol your house. Carlisle and Emmett are already there to protect Charlie and the rest are feeding themselves,' Alice blurted out. I did not immediately react. How? How could this happen? How could I let this happen? Again?

'Alright, then we better leave,' Bella said while getting up. She noticed I wasn't following her. She turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.

'Edward, what's wrong?' Bella asked.

'I'm so sorry, Bella.' I did not dare to look at her, afraid of the disappointment I would for sure see in her eyes. I had failed her, time and time again.

'For what?' I heard she got alarmed at my attitude. But how could she ask such a thing? For everything, obviously!

'For all of this!' I looked up and saw Bella grew agitated as she had every right to be. Her forehead creased and some tears shimmered in her eyes.

'Listen to me, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen. Did you personally call Victoria to hunt me? No, right? So, you have nothing to be sorry for. You are not responsible for any of this.' Bella said with a tremble in her voice as she tried to hold back her tears.

'You're wrong, Bella. I've put you into this mess,' I explained to her. Surely, she would understand this was all happening because of me?

'No Edward, I chose it. When I chose to be with you, I knew there would be some potential... Dangers. I knew that, yet I still chose it. I still choose you. We've already had this kind of talk before, so why won't you listen to me?' Bella rolled her eyes at me. 'So you better get up and drag me home. Literally, stop moping around. We don't have time for that. We have to get moving.'

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