🔴 Chapter 11🔴

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So I promised Soulomorn that I was going to stay awake at midnight so I can post yesterday but I didn't 🤣😂. I slept like a log of wood!

Solomon, here's the update oh 😂

Guys don't forget to vote, silent readers!!!!!! Motivate me now!

🌟🌟 🌟

Chapter 11


Kwame drove Yemisi to the airport, the drive back was a quiet one, the most quiet moment they've ever spent together. There has never been a quiet momentsm with them, there's always something to talk about.

Yemisi was quiet, still ashamed from what had happened that morning. She hoped to catch her flight before it leaves, since she had to stay back to wash the duvet, even though Kwame suggested she leave it that way.

"How will you tell the dry cleaner that there's a big baby in the house?" She snapped at him, "Jo nitori Olorun, I just want to wash this thing, don't even try to stop me cause the anger that I'm feeling now, I'll just transfer it to you. How about we leave things the way they are and you let me do what I want"

How in the world did a grown ass woman like her lose control to the extent of urinating on the bed? Can this be her own punishment? Ema lost her Kunle and her baby, Amazing and her fibroids, can it be? Or maybe it was a mistake on her part?

Yemisi scoffed, mistake ke? Fine, there's always that time when you're urinating in your dream and you're also close to urinating physically, there's that tendency to rush into the toilet. In her own case, she comfortably urinated in bed as though her ass was on the toilet seat!

This better be a one time thing!

Yemisi looked over at the love of her life driving through the busy road. She felt bad for transfering anger at him, its not like he's the one that urinated on her body, the reverse was the case and she's vexing anyhow!

When he looked over at her she threw her glance out the window now staring at aan selling handkerchief. "This is the most boring drive I've ever had with you. You're not always quiet" "So I'm a talkative" she replied, still not looking at him.

"In a good way, you're an interesting talkative"

Yemisi laughed, "Just because you added interesting doesn't make it okay. A talkative is still a talkative, you can add atonle (one who urinates on her body) to the title" she replied and he creased his brow, "Wait.... Atonle means....." He trailed off finally getting a grasp of it.

"Come on, that's not fair"

Yemisi cried, "It's the truth. I peed on me body and the bed and on your body too" she replied, she was beginning to have a running nose so she wiped her nose clean with her palm. "Most of it was on your body, it was just a little that...."

She rolled her eyes glaring at him, "What's your point?" "My point is.... There's no point, I was just trying to be funny. Babe, It was a mistake and I don't care about it. It doesn't change the way I feel about you. I still love you. Let's just try to see the good side in this" "What good side?" "Its something we'll remember and laugh over, trust me" he held her hands and she exhaled then she chuckled.

"You're right. I swear, I don't know how it happened"

"Shhhh" he replied returning his hands back to the steering. "I just hope we're on time to catch the flight"

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