🔴 Expect an update🔴

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Last week was strenuous for me. My brother came in from Lagos and as the last born in an African home now.... My parents didn't make me rest😂

I didn't even type up to 500 words. I started typing on Sunday, I've been typing like! 😪

I was supposed to give an update yesterday but as usual, NEPA disappointed me. There's no light and I'm waiting till 9am so I can pay to charge my phone.

I'm typing this on 10%, which is not even enough for me to add the necessary spacing i need to add in the chapter. Or else the chapters will be muddled up.

Scenes will mix up together and I hate when that happens!😂

There'll surely be an update today. As soon as I'm done charging.

Please bear with me. 😩

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