Chapter 53: Lord Rothom

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He turned to Pyro, struggling to find the right words to say how sorry he was without offending him.

"I am ashamed for my tantrum earlier. I should have known better. Protecting others like the underground civilization is what this is all about. I hope you and Athena can forgive me?"

Pyro stood up face to face with Arion and looked into his yellow eyes. Arion did not know what Pyro would do or say and all eyes in the room landed on the two. Pyro clasped his hands together and bowed to him.

"I cannot speak for Athena but I can speak for myself. I forgive you. I would be angry too, if someone came into my home and disrupted it the way I did."

"And I am sure along this journey we will have more of these little arguments and I plan on winning the next," said Pyro with a smile.

"As I said, it is imperative the four of you learn all you can and quickly. Omegon's forces are on the move and they have covered their paths very well," exclaimed Valliantious with a serious tone.

"It all makes sense now. The Hyods showing up lately for our training, it is your doing," interjected Arion with utter surprise on his face.

His fellow chosen warriors and even the other Apprentices did not realize like him on how dire things were for the Hyods to have left their posts to come and train them. This meant Omegon was rising faster than an Ermada.

"Yes. I want them to train you and the rest of the Houses to the best of their abilities. Soon the four of you will depart and need to be prepared for all the different type of undertakings which will befall you."

"And your Housemates need to be strong as well to defend themselves and that of this Hall and maybe even the world," replied Valliantious.

The four caught the tone Lord Valliantious used. He was certainly worried.

For once in his life, Arion was now worried. Lord Valliantious always seemed to have answers to all questions.

Always seemed to know what direction the Messiah of Darkness was moving in, but now it looked like the cloth was pulled over his wise and keen eyes.

Lord Valliantious depended on him and the others. The world depended on them. There was no room for failure.

He would not let down the warrior who was like a grandfather to him, the one who raised him and made him who he was.

"Were you successful in finding out any information from Lord Rothom about the mysterious break in, into the Archives?" asked Pyro.

He would catch the Lord of Wind and his friends a little of guard, he was sure of it.

"You're wondering how I knew. It's easy, I overhead you telling Chi-taki in the morning when we went to wash up," replied Pyro, ending the air of mystery.

Valliantious, very disappointed it looked, replied, "Someone has already attended to Lord Rothom and I fear it is Omegon."

"What does that mean?" asked Troy.

"It means Lord Rothom is no longer accessible for any confrontation or words. Omegon was the one who no doubtingly sealed him away so he could not answer our questions," replied Valliantious.

"My Lord, I've heard many appalling things about Lord Rothom outweighing the good he's done for this world. Are they true or not?" asked Arion.

Even if Lord Rothom was accessible to them, would he answer the questions posed by the Hyods. He was their prisoner.

"What do you mean?" asked a surprised Shark.

Why would Lord Rothom not want to help the Hyods, considering his name was on the great Archives of secrets?

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