"Th-that's not what I'm trying to say. Besides, I'm not the gifted one. Between you and me, your the better assassin." Nagisa says. Are you that dense? This whole time you've been showing your skill and you didn't even notice?

"Okay, hearing you talk like that just pisses me off even more. You know what your problem is Nagisa? You've got not respect for how hard this is for everyone who isn't you." Karma says irritatedly.

"Woah, woah! Where is this coming from? I'm just telling you how I feel. Do you have an axe to grind with Korosensei or something? He took us, and (Y/n), to the movies, he's made learning fun!" Nagisa protests.

"That's my point! Why do you think he bothered, huh? He didn't want us to end up like a bunch of whiny, half assed jerks, and look at you! Assassinating him is what this entire class is based on, you're just trying to find a loophole! You want to undermine what Korosensei's done, or do you have the mind and the body of a 10 year old?" Karma screams at Nagisa who looks down, a shadow covering his eyes. I stare at them, my eyes wide. I agree with some of what Karma said, but that was a little harsh. This isn't looking very good. Nagisa looks up and locks eyes with Karma, both of them giving off dangerous auras.

"Huh? What's with that look? Oh, the itty bitty mouse wanna roar? Feel like you could take on a lion?" Karma taunts.

"No, I.." Nagisa never finishes his sentence as Karma had stepped forward and shoved him backwards. Nagisa quickly recovers and glares at the red head.

"Got something to say? Kick my ass for once and you can say whatever you like. Oh, don't be shy, what are you afraid of?" Karma asks, shoving him back repeatedly. "Let's settle this like men. C'mon." Karma says, finally pushing Nagisa down, catching him by his tie. Nagisa quickly reacts jumping upwards and wrapping his legs around a Karma's neck in a choke hold, using Karma's arm as a lever for his weight. This catches Karma off guard and his eyes widen. He wasn't expecting Nagisa to hit back. Karma doesn't waste a second, lunging forward and slamming Nagisa to the ground, though the smaller boy still keeps his grip. Karma growls under his breath, straining to try and break away from Nagisa.

"Oh! A flag triangle hold!" Terasaka exclaims.

"I am not... a whiny half ass jerk!" Nagisa yells furiously.

"Well alright then. When did Nagisa learn that move?" Fuwa questions. Karma staggers back to his feet and steadily works towards removing his arm from Nagisa's grasp.

"He's still no match for Karma in hand to hand combat." Kimura comments.

"You little..." Karma growls, finally breaking his arm away from Nagisa, the blue haired boy tumbling back to the ground. Isogai and Maehara jump forward to try and hold back Karma, though struggle in doing so.

"Knock it off!" Maehara yells.

"What the hell are the two of you trying to prove?" Isogai asks as Karma tries to pull away.

"Okay. I don't think I can hold him back!" Maehara exclaims. I glance at Nagisa to see Sugino effortlessly holding back Nagisa, who's attempts at escaping don't even require Sugino to do any more than a loose hold around Nagisa's midsection. "Dammit Karma! Could you chill out already?"

"Karma, now isn't a very good time..." I murmur, though I doubt anyone actually heard me.

"A good old fashioned schoolyard fight. Outstanding." A voice interrupts and the two immediately stop struggling. "However, you're the assassination classroom. This is how we settle our differences." Korosensei says, having appeared before us in a cops uniform. We all fall silent, the only sound to be heard is the chirping from the birds in the forest.

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