"Run!" She screamed at Hotch with an overwhelming fear, hearing the beast chasing through the building after them and feeling the ground shake beneath her from the monsters weight on the floor.

They weren't going to make it, they wouldn't- there's no way they would make it in time.

Cameron was struck with a thought that she didn't know how she had time to think.

The story her father told her when she finally asked him how he had killed the creature and he replied with simple words of full of pain and anguish she hadn't seen him have before when he spoke of what he had done.

"Survival often requires sacrifices of distractions... 7 men, 7 good men lost."

And then it hit her.


She drew the knife she had from her back pocket that Carlos had left for her, her father's gift to him a long time ago, sliced her hand where her blood oath scar was and quickly turned down a different hallway, knowing the scent of blood would draw the creature more than any sound or sight of Hotch running in front of it; it did.

Cameron ran as fast as she could, hearing the creature behind her gaining on her.

She was terrified, the tears running down her face almost as fast as she sprinted, the inevitable pain and terrifying fear that was going to come was eased by the knowledge that it would be her and not Hotch.

She heard the tearing of the tables and religious collections in thick class cases smashing behind her as the creature ran through the building after her with bloodied teeth and fur so stained red from all it had killed that it barely looked white anymore.

A blood bear.

That was the name her father referred to it as after the incident that took his eye, and if not for Cameron surely would have taken his life too, an 'ice bear' was apparently too kind of name for such a monstrous creature who craved blood more than anything else.

Cameron thought the words she had spoken to the tiger before she secured it's death, a death she felt in her soul, the pain she would soon share with it in her own death.

"Да подарит они тебе скорую смерть"

May they grant you a swift death- although she knew that was unlikely with this animal being her killer.

She almost felt the ungodly breath of the creature on her back as she sped around a corner, running faster than her shaking legs could take her but her mind was else where with tears flooding her face as she said her finale goodbyes that she never got to say before;

I am sorry Annabeth, I was not fast enough.

I am sorry mother, I was not cautious enough.

I am sorry Zara, I was not strong enough.

I am sorry father, I was not brave enough.

And one finale goodbye she spoke out loud to herself through cries in hopes it would somehow carry to him over her screams of pain that were sure to come as the creature got even closer and she felt it right behind her.

"I am sorry Aaron, I was not enough."

And then she prepared for the pain to come, the loud roar of the animal she was sure was about to pin her to the wall and tear out her throat in one swift motion, leaving her gasping for air through blood gurgles as it tore into her body and made her suffer- but it didn't.

The animal roared and she threw herself forward in an automatic survival response, but the creature's attack did not begin.

Its roars continued until they stopped and Cameron realised her eyes were closed to prepare for her death.

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