Chapter 30 (In the End...)

Bắt đầu từ đầu

And he had a point, though... it wouldn't be funny if we needed his help and had to call him. So, we agreed on his suggestion. Jonathan pulled out his earbuds while I put on mine that I got from him a few weeks back. You know, the flashy and expensive one?

The moment we connected our earpieces to our phone via Bluetooth, we made a call though the multi chat we all made two days ago for sharing information.

"Okay. Be careful, you two." He flew his drone back into the sky before we left him there and headed toward the back entrance, which seemed to be scanning on the perimeter of the crowded building.

We decided not to use our mask. Because one, we didn't know what kind of things we would be facing. Two, we couldn't take the chance of someone seeing us in a shady mask like this. At least the worst thing that could happen was someone calling the police and sued us for breaking and entering.

Slowly, we approached the backdoor and carefully opened it nice and slow, enough for us to take a sneak peek. But what was inside was beyond our imagination. It was far weirder than we could expect as I fully opened the door.

But it looked worse than when we saw it on the sneak peek... feeling that something wasn't right, I decided to contact Joon through our communicator. "Joon, shit!"

"Why? Mwoga munje ya (What's wrong)?" His cautious rapidly increased just like ours when we entered the back entrance with this strange vibe.

"Are you sure that this is the back entrance?" I began to question the place we got ourselves into. More like, what he got our asses into.

"Yeah, why the hell do you think that it's not?"

Jonathan and me exchanged cautious stare at each other before breaking the strange news from the back of the building.

"Things... are a little bit too 'messy'."

Rosé's POV

"Thank you, Rosé! Love you so much!"

The BLINK, the one that I gave my autograph to just now, he waved me a 'heart' sign with his thumb and index finger.

And I had to answer it with a smile. Highlight this, had to. Because why? Because sajagnim would say 'Why didn't you smile?' or 'I told you to smile, and look what you did.'.

It might sound normal to your ears... but believe me, they could be very toxic when you heard the rest of it.

Sometimes, it always ended up in tears on my pillow...

Jisoo Unnie and Lisa even secretly gave my thigh some rubs time to time, only to keep me calm. Cause they were the only ones that noticed my odd side. I didn't say Jennie Unnie didn't. She did, actually, but a seat away from me.

So, all she could do was hiding her worried face.

While I was still trying to gain my focus and smile while having my thigh being gently patted by Lisa, someone came up to me. Another person.

And this time, I just begged god for something unusual like the other BLINKS did. Asking my number, trying to kiss my hand, asking me out on a date, about my address...

Usually, I handled them with a laugh and a simple polite declination. I would say sorry and a simple no, and done. You didn't have to feel all these mixing feelings inside my heart like fruits inside a blender.

It kept mixing, and destroying my heart, little by little, piece by piece. The worst part was... you couldn't neither stop nor do anything about it.

Black Rose (Rosé X Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ